Electric Bike "carry-behind " 2019

Hi Rubber.
Thanks for the seat advice. In my case I have a damaged lower back, so Doc doesn't want me to lean forward - Must sit upright. I am not saying ...well...that ebikes are for Seniors (65) + 12 years, however most folks that ride my e-class, are in their mid-late 60's and into their 80's.

I am not experiencing rubbing...Just sitting pain. On riding day I ride on mostly flat asphalt for 1-3/4 hours to do 25 miles on a bike pathway and no breaks. My backside takes 20-22 miles no pain. Last 3 to 5 painful.

Link is for the RAD website riding a City Step-thru (my Model)
This is a review video. Move your mouse to 20 minutes to the end and you will see him riding it.

I'm starting to think that I need to ride for 45 minutes to an hour then take a walking break for a few minutes. To see if that makes any difference.
Hey RC,

Now I see how that bike is set up, thanks. I have a friend with the same bike, but haven't seen hers in action yet. She sure likes it! Anyway your weight will be mostly on your seat with that setup, and with your back issue.

So my only suggestion is to try standing on the pedals. I think that RAD bike can go without any pedaling, so you can relieve butt pressure that way. I have to do that on my bike. Maybe you'll feel a little "wobbly" doing that because you are moving your weight up high, but try just putting weight on your feet without lifting too high (but it's easier on muscles to straighten out your knee). Your idea to take a walking break is probably good, since you can go 22 miles without any pain. At this stage of life, ya gotta smell the roses anyway.

I'm only 64, so I have a year before these issues arise, ha ha! Today's ride was 60 miles and I had some trouble sitting on my saddle the last ten miles. I haven't built up to rides of this length this year -- no excuses, just the 2021 reality! Anyway, there's an e-bike in my future. Still enjoying my 17 lb bike for now, but I feel close to aging out of the really long rides.

By the way, I can just fit my bike in our camper, with the front quick-release wheel removed. I built a little stand. It's not sufficient for off-road use, but on pavement it's stable enough. It attaches to a handily placed hole in our side dinette model camper.
Out riding today I thought of another seat-relieving method that's not as wobbly as standing on two pedals: stand on one pedal. Say the left one is all the way down, straighten that leg and put weight on it instead of the saddle. Then switch to the other leg. I did that a bunch today, cuz I'm a little sore! I use it a lot on downhills for some butt relief. Good luck and hope you figure out a good method for you.
RC Pilot Jim said:
Hi Rubber.
Thanks for the seat advice. In my case I have a damaged lower back, so Doc doesn't want me to lean forward - Must sit upright. I am not saying ...well...that ebikes are for Seniors (65) + 12 years, however most folks ride that my e-class, are in their mid-late 60's and into their 80's.

I am not experiencing rubbing...Just sitting pain. On riding day I ride on mostly flat asphalt for 1-3/4 hours to do 25 miles on a bike pathway and no breaks. My backside takes 20-22 miles no pain. Last 3 to 5 painful.

Link is for the RAD website riding a City Step-thru (my Model)
This is a review video. Move your mouse to 20 minutes to the end and you will see him riding it.

I'm starting to think that I need to ride for 45 minutes to an hour then take a walking break for a few minutes. To see if that makes any difference.
Dual suspension mtb bike or the super fat tire bikes or suspension seatpost or some combination thereof.
Thanks everyone for their suggestions. The last 2 weeks I have been averaging 18 miles per ride. Part of it is the heat. Temps are in the 80's. My backside likes less miles per ride.
Riding times:
Living in the city I try to ride between 8:30 am - 11:30 am as that time has less traffic as most of the younger working folks are at the office. Scariest time is 11:30am - 1:15pm as many of the working Mom's are running one hour errands during their 30 minute lunch half hours. Their eyes are fixed on their phones so they don't really see me. Mostly I ride on a bike pathway, however I have a 2.5 mile ride on the roads to the pathway. My goal is to be home by 11:30 am.

At the moment I do not have a vehicle to transport the bike to the beach. The model we want is not available because of the chip shortage. So tried the cross town "Sprinter" train recently. Round trip $3 - senior rate. If you notice the picture in my Avatar changed. The Site Team removed the old one as I no longer have a truck and camper. Yep that's me in the 2010 Fairplay Golf Cart. I alternate the Avatar picture between and the RAD City Power Bike. and the Golf cart.

Happy riding everyone.
Field Report

I have now turned 3,200 miles. RAD bike working well. Still have no vehicle to transport it. Ordered the new Subaru August 27th - 15 weeks ago. Dealer reports it might show up this month. Not holding my breath. This past week had an opportunity to buy a used 2021 Premium. Not the model Trim-level we want and no trailer towing package for $5,000 more than we are paying for the new one. We will continue to wait.

In the meantime riding the Inland Rail Trail and taking the Sprinter down to the beach once per month.

Anyone have any news to share?

Have a Happy Holiday and Happy New Year.
Field Report

After 5 months of waiting on January 8th we took delivery of the new Subaru Outback.
I just "know" all you non-truck folks are just really curious to find out how I am getting the bike to the beach
now that I don't have a truck anymore or at least for the next year as I wait for my postponed hip joint replacement surgery
to occur then see what shape I'm in in about a year.

The Outback is only 2" lower than the Tacoma. with almost 9" of ground clearance and about the same width so bike does not stick out beyond the fenders. And 1 foot shorter.

I had to turn off RAB (Rear automatic Braking). Because the computer sensors sees the carrier as a huge "block" so when I put it in reverse it only went 1 foot before the computer slammed on the brakes..."startled the hell out of me". Read the easy start book some more and turned it off. The switch is on the rear camera screen and also turned off the alarm which will keep beeping at me while in reverse. Here is a picture.

The hood is up so that I can monitor the voltage. The new cars are really computers on wheels. If the car sits more than 3 days engine off I will need to jump start it. So I have it on a 4 amp battery charger maintainer. They tell me all new vehicles from about 2018 forward have some type of autonomous driving device "scary" . The features I could turn off I have.

While I was testing my concern was the carrier dragging on the asphalt when backing out of my driveway, especially as the bike is easier to load when the rear wheels are in the ditch. I had no problems carrier is about 3 " higher. Bike rolls on and off easily. Doesn't drag.

Tomorrow I ride before we return to San Diego's version of winter on Tuesday. Forecast 59* high. With rain on Wednesday Today it's 91*.
I don't like when my car tries to be smarter than me.

Subarus are great cars and are quite capable. Looks like a good bike hauler.
RC Pilot Jim said:
Field Report

After 5 months of waiting on January 8th we took delivery of the new Subaru Outback.
I just "know" all you non-truck folks are just really curious to find out how I am getting the bike to the beach
now that I don't have a truck anymore or at least for the next year as I wait for my postponed hip joint replacement surgery
to occur then see what shape I'm in in about a year.

The Outback is only 2" lower than the Tacoma. with almost 9" of ground clearance and about the same width so bike does not stick out beyond the fenders. And 1 foot shorter.

I had to turn off RAB (Rear automatic Braking). Because the computer sensors sees the carrier as a huge "block" so when I put it in reverse it only went 1 foot before the computer slammed on the brakes..."startled the hell out of me". Read the easy start book some more and turned it off. The switch is on the rear camera screen and also turned off the alarm which will keep beeping at me while in reverse. Here is a picture.

The hood is up so that I can monitor the voltage. The new cars are really computers on wheels. If the car sits more than 3 days engine off I will need to jump start it. So I have it on a 4 amp battery charger maintainer. They tell me all new vehicles from about 2018 forward have some type of autonomous driving device "scary" . The features I could turn off I have.

While I was testing my concern was the carrier dragging on the asphalt when backing out of my driveway, especially as the bike is easier to load when the rear wheels are in the ditch. I had no problems carrier is about 3 " higher. Bike rolls on and off easily. Doesn't drag.

Tomorrow I ride before we return to San Diego's version of winter on Tuesday. Forecast 59* high. With rain on Wednesday Today it's 91*.
Jim, have you left something on? Our 2016 Outback goes for about 3 weeks if all is off, but if I shut down with a seat heater/cabin light left on, it’s a day or two. The heater should be on a bus that shouldn’t be hot with the car not running, but something is hinky. The cabin lights in the headliner are easy to miss if you don’t look directly at them.
Thanks for the advice Wandering. I will check the heater and the interior lights.

My mechanic is the person who warned me about the battery drain issue.
He also said that the reason the a/c is always on when the vehicle is started is the alternator does NOT run below about
900 RPM so if I have the a/c off running local errands the part of the alternator charging system that charges the battery
isn't on and the battery will drain.

Further the dealer service department said don't sit in the driveway programming the computer without the engine on which
I can't do on my trim level anyway because I don't have an accessory setting because I don't have "key" start just the "Fob"

When I first was setting it up engine off. I turned on and off those items I could- unlock, doors, open shut electric hatch multiple times. Then drove local with a/c off. Third day checked voltage. Reading start voltage 12.25 volts. Put it on "Battery Tender". Recharge time 2 hours. Charge rate 14.14 volts. Maintain float voltage 13.16. Unplgged charger. Waited 2 hours checked voltage 12.9 volts = Full.

Now have over 600 miles. Driving 2/3rds local 1/3rd freeway. Leaving a/c on. Checked voltage 2/19 - Reading 12.45. Topped it off in 1 hour. As I get more comfortable with it I will check the voltage less often.

And I'm going to purchase a rechargeable "1000 amp jump starter" Considering the" Norco Genius Boost".

Does anyone have a better suggestion? Thanks. Am going to start a new post on that subject.
The last time I rode the bike was Feb 14th, 2022.

Reason Total Hip joint replacement surgery March first. What an experience that was. Surgery went great...except had major swelling which lasted 3 weeks requiring elevating 6 hours per day, 7 days a week then I got an infection at the incision site.
April 4th was put back in the hospital for 5.5 days where they cleaned out the infection after opening me up again and replacing the ball.
and after lots of tests to find out what bacterial infection I had, the Docs put me on a Picc line where every day for the next 40 days I go an IV type antibiotic pushed from a huge syringe. Finally on May 20th everything was done and I could go about my life.

Bike riding...For now riding the stationary bikes in our fitness center... until November or December as a capsule of tissue and muscle has to grow over the joint or it can pop out. A friend also had that surgery and over did the bending, got dizzy, fell and her femur popped out. LOTS OF PAIN,,,Had to be anesthetized then Docs just popped it back in, sent her home with some pain pills and said don't do that again.!!!
So no riding for me for awhile either. Happy to be able to swim for now.
Wow Mr. RC, yours is the third story about a major infection aftermath of joint replacement surgery - other two were both total knee - I've heard in the last two weeks. It's an awful ordeal to go through. Your post sounds like your spirits are good. Keep that up and best of luck to you with recovery.
Thanks Ski.
Looking forward to the day I can hike in the local mountains and crawl in and out of the "Outback" to sleep in it.
Then we will see if my then 79 year old back is in good enough shape to travel in a camper van of some sort.

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