End of summer?

It's definitely coming.

There was a nice dusting on Mt Massive and Mt Elbert last week above about 13K. Some of it is still up there.

The aspens are in full swing on Hwy 24 from Minturn through Camp Hale. It's still early but that just means there's still green mixed in with the splotches of gold, orange and red popping up everywhere. With rain all day today (heavy) and temps in the mid 50's for highs my guess is that the high peaks will see another shot of snow by morning. Ditto for the Collegiates near Buena Vista. Big patches of gold showing off up high in the last week.

Don't forget to fill the propane tank and burn the dust out of the heater before you head this way. LOL.
Possible record breaking heat wave coming this weekend. The ponderosa pines starting dropping needles last week, about six weeks early.
This could be considered a seasonal event -- probably should be -- and it is weather-related:
I put new batteries in my weather station:


It takes 4 AA lithium -- lithium because regular/alkaline would quickly die in the low temps in Bend winter, lithium is more resistant to the effects of low temps.

Actually...it stopped working weeks ago -- it might have been 2 years since I put new batteries in :rolleyes:, and they gave out earlier this summer.
But...I learned years ago that the temperature reported by the Weatherbug station in Bend is usually, consistently, within 1 - 2°F of what my weather station measures (surprising since the Weatherbug is several miles away and downtown), so that's a good substitute for mine.
RAIN! First rain of the season here in Bend.
That is, first non-thunderstorm rain since last spring. Not much -- it's still dry under the trees (it is the high desert, after all), but I woke to the sound of drip drip drip in the downspout by my bedroom and the deck and car are wet.
We even had a small splash here-sort of washed away some of the smoke from the King fire for a while. On the way back from Washington last week camped outside of Burns-had to turn on the heater and have been tempted to do it here in Susanville the last few mornings. Real funny weather here-upper 80's and lower 90's with lots of wind/smoke during the day, almost Fall cold at nights. Lot's of rabbit brush turning bright yellow to start the runny nose season to boot. Yep, must be almost Fall.

Thunder and lighting now in Stockton. Radar looks like the weather is moving down from the Sierras. May be wet here in a little while. Hope some of this hits the King Fire.
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