Face Book

It will be interesting to see how the FB extension of WTW evolves.

Wander the West on Facebook

(I posted the first comment there!
Geez, I am going to have to check TWO places now. :( (when hell freezes over)

I am a retired IT guy (was in charge of 3000 PCs, in 125 cities, and 5 states), but I am refusing to facebook, tweet, or what else that stuff is called. And, I want a stupid phone with big buttons.

Sorry to hear this news,
We're with you Mike,yuck.The computer is enough.Anyway I don't think all this tech stuff is going to last.At least that's what Regis Philben kept saying.
It's all a plan buy the machines to take us humans over.IMO
Have a great day. Remember the Mayan calendar is coming to an end soon.
I'm with ya. No facebook (anymore, I did try it out, not for me) no twitter. I do have a smartphone but I"m not one of those guys whose face is perma planted in it.
sorry guy, please dont hate me, because it was my idea. I did not mean to insult or offend anyone in this idea, only to add more options to post and add pictures. I hope face book works for wander the west, but again, sorry for displeasing you who dont like this direction.
Hey Saints, Facebook is obviously a force that many people enjoy. The Lady and I aren't Facebook users, but so what. For those that have the interest, it is a part of their lives, a place they like to check in at. Run with it, have fun, and thanks for taking the reins on this endeavor.
Geez, I am going to have to check TWO places now. :( (when hell freezes over)

I am a retired IT guy (was in charge of 3000 PCs, in 125 cities, and 5 states), but I am refusing to facebook, tweet, or what else that stuff is called. And, I want a stupid phone with big buttons.

Sorry to here this news,

X2 :mad:
I have a facebook account, and mainly use it to keep up with family & friends who are active there - don't really love the phenomenon otherwise. However, if you can post pictures to Facebook from an iPad, then it could be a useful addition. Thanks, Saints.
WTW obviously has a good thing going, awkward posting of photos not withstanding. However, FB has become the new standard for many orgs and is quite useful. It's worked for me to reconnect with extended family & friends. I also have a page for my business for marketing purposes (please 'like' us!!! :p ). I also act as an admin for my rotary FB page and one other service org I belong to. It's scary how ubiquitous FB is becoming.

One thing I don't like about us using FB instead of WTW is all the great handles everyone uses, with the amount of privacy provided, are not used on FB. I think it's a bit redundant, but I appreciate the Saint's efforts to move us into the cyber-future. ;)
One thing to remember: Using FB isn't/won't-be instead of WTW -- not for most of us, anyway (I predict).
I think it's unclear how it will be used...but I, for one, don't feel that WTW-on-FB is any danger to WTW. I'll go on the record to proclaim that my prediction will hold true.

I, too, noticed that I can see the "real" identities of some WTW members who've "Liked" the WTW FB page (a number of well-respected WTWers, by the way). As Lighthawk points out, that's a FB thing.
But: You can lock down your FB profile so that only those you've marked as "Friend" can see anything about you, other than your name. That's how I have my profile set.
FB deliberately makes it non-obvious/difficult to increase privacy settings because increased privacy means fewer page-views and fewer page-views means fewer eye-balls looking at and clicking on its ads. But Facebook is a for-profit business (as is WTW), so this approach doesn't surprise me nor do I resent it since I have the right to chose to not use FB. (My retirement is dependent on investments in for-profit businesses!)
(PM me if you want to increase your FB privacy settings and don't know how.)

I frequently criticize Facebook -- on Facebook, and yet I look at it every day and post on it several times a week. If I really couldn't stand it I would delete my profile.
That's the thing about Facebook: If you don't like it, don't use it -- problem solved -- it's as simple as that.
Hey Saints, Facebook is obviously a force that many people enjoy. The Lady and I aren't Facebook users, but so what. For those that have the interest, it is a part of their lives, a place they like to check in at. Run with it, have fun, and thanks for taking the reins on this endeavor.

Thank you Ski. It is a choice and if you are into it's great. It can be a useful tool.Glad you took the lead,Saints.
You didn't offend me that's pretty hard to do.I am happy with the amount of technology I currently have.It's a job just to keep up with all the changes but there is a need for some of it.After all if it wasn't for the "net"how would we enjoy this great site.
I'm with 3ski on this one, someone else got me on Facebook, and now I'm stuck and will grin an bare it when i get all those winky things and such in my email, but i use it very rarely- like to promote WTC or saving the state park system!

Much easier to post pix for damn sure but finding out real names will/would be scary. :eek:

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