Favorite interior fabric?


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2011
I'm fine tuning my FWC order and need to decide on fabric.
  • Tan - I think this looks the best but is likely to get dirty given you need to stand on the couch to reach the bed.
  • Deer Valley Apache - kind of cool, but would it look/feel so 70's in a few years? Of course it would, but maybe that's its charm?
  • Blue - I'm leaning toward this.
Question - do the cushions have zippers? If so, I guess it would be possible in the future to take them off, use the old as a template, and make new ones with whatever fabric you want.

So, what do you have, and would you get the same thing again?
Are all the materials the same? If it's the same blue fabric as in my camper I'd say blue. However I've got some tan sunbrella fabric that I reupholstered the bed in and I'd have not issues stepping on that to get into bed, etc. It's an outdoor canvas material and repels stuff well.
We got the deer valley apache. Kinda not in style today - should only get better as time goes by :)

My wife liked that it should hide more imperfections, and with two dogs that seems to be the case. Plus I like fishes and mooses (meese :p ?)and bears and canoes - so it seemed perfect.
Cushions are zippered so changing isn't a big deal. Please don't ask me for interior decorating ideas. I once had ummm, lets not go there.
I have the Deer Valley Apache, and I like it and its ability to stay looking clean. Hey, this is a camper I take into the woods. I'd personally rather have the interior look more like an old-time cabin rather than an apartment furnished at IKEA. I also don't really care if it's in style or not as long as I enjoy the camper.
I have the Deer Valley Apache...I'd personally rather have the interior look more like an old-time cabin rather than an apartment furnished at IKEA.

this is a great comment/observation, you may have changed my mind
When we started our looking into these campers in 09 we went to FWC first and wanted the Deer Valley,but as we selected an ATC bobcat the only fabric offered is the blue.You know it's good and serviceable.The bed has the sleeping bag on it so any "cool"fabric there would just not be seen.We also have the dinette which doesn't leave much cushion to be seen.All in all if we get tired of it or when it wears out they do have zippers on them so I can just have some other fabric choice made into new cushions.

Saying all that I do agree the Deer Valley is very nice,but I can enjoy the camper with or without some fancy fabric.

When I ordered my Hawk I got the tan colored upholstery. It showed every little bit of dirt.

I had FWC reupholster it in Deer Valley Apache....it hides everything. The only way to go for me.
When I ordered my Hawk I got the tan colored upholstery. It showed every little bit of dirt.

I had FWC reupholster it in Deer Valley Apache....it hides everything. The only way to go for me.

I had chosen the tan on my order and the FWC salesman convinced me to go with the DeerVA for precisely that reason.
I have tan in my Hawk. We love it, nice and bright inside. I guess we're just really tidy. I learned not to spill on the furniture when I was a kid. :D

I had FWC reupholster it in Deer Valley Apache....it hides everything. The only way to go for me.

I had the Deer Valley put in originally as I knew my kids would spill everything on it, and they have. The darker colors hide the dirt and mess. To my eye the blue looks... dated.. the Deer Valley looks like what you would find in a camper.

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