Feeling old, Cataracts

Wandering Sagebrush said:
Just got back from my annual eye exam, and the opthomologist told me I have the start of cataracts. Nothing that needs immediate attention, but still a clear indication of Geezerhood plus a bunch.
Hey Mr. Sage, when it comes time for "fixin'", think we can get a two for the price of one deal? :)

I am feeling the effects of a developing cataract in the right eye. It's nice to know what is the cause, but I'm going to get impatient as I like to get things done.
Welcome to the club, Steve.
I've had one done and the other will probably happen within a year or three as it is slowly getting worse.. We're very fortunate to be in the Portland area. Along with many good eye doctors, we have the Casey Eye Institute in town which is an outstanding organization.

Hey everyone, thanks for the kind words. Yup, let's negotiate for a group rate. As long as I can still use the cameras and birdoculars, and be safe on the road, I'm going to hold off a bit.
Lots of options for lens. Time to start your education on what you can do. Almost a year since my cataract surgery. Right eye is perfect, left eye good but still have a light blur that moves around. Getting used to reading glasses, really like driving without glasses.

Now I an getting the drooping eye lid. Get that looked at next month.

Thanks for the update. I was just thinking I haven't heard from my optometrist lately but that may have a lot to do with his not having my new address. I'll deal with that next week. Having worn glasses since I was three I take eye care seriously.
Saw this and thought I'd comment....

Got whapped in the eye working construction mid 80's. Always had a cloud floating in my right eye after that. Would really mess with me/make my eye water in bright light...like on the snow/in bright headlights/etc.

Went 20+ years squinting/wearing as dark of glasses outdoors as I could find. Scar tissue formed over time...it just got worse. The eye docs all tried to put me in glasses because they just couldn't see what was going on. Finally I got the diagnosis "cataract".... and at 40 (in 1998)...went in to have it fixed. I was one of his youngest patients at the time..other than the kids in Africa he worked on for free on his "vacations"...

After the numbness subsided and the haloes eased up...I could instantly tell that the color of the new lens was far more "blue" in tint then my original gear. this gave me a real imbalance I was told I'd get used to...but never did. Back then they wouldn't do these ops back to back...and I had to wait 4 months and plea with the doc to have the second eye done to even things up. He finally agreed because I was so young....and hopefully have many years left on the rock....and by 1999 I could count the pines on the ridge above my house..5 miles}+ away. Couldn't see shat up close...still can't....and wear the 1.50's to read without wrinkling my face all over the place/squinting to see the print.

No problems since. Had haloes (or were they flashbacks? LOL) for a few years there after the surgery but those subsided. Have some spidering going on in the streetlights again...but was told it wasn't severe enough to get the laser zap...and that the procedure is nothing to take lightly... so am hopeful I'll never have to deal with it.

I hope any of you facing this have a great of success as I have with the procedure.

be well
billharr said:
Now I an getting the drooping eye lid. Get that looked at next month.
I had cataract surgery 4 years ago and it's been great.

I also have a drooping left eyelid and they've tried tightening the muscle and even put in what is called a frontalis sling. The sling uses the eyebrow to raise and lower the eyelid and worked OK for a while but a piece of it worked its way out of my eyebrow and had to be snipped off. Eyelid still droops but stays open, before all this nonsense it would close more as I tired and by the end of the day would be almost completely closed. Not good for looking out the side view mirror on long drives.

Hopefully yours is a simpler solution. The trick is to not snip so much that you can't close your eye.
Ain't gizzerhood wonderful :p ! They told me last year that I was developing a cataract in one eye-but it would probably improve my vision in that eye :unsure: --ya figure? A group discount and mass operation -what an idea-then we all can go on a WTW adventure together with those with the best eye leading us :D !

Best of luck Bill and all.
I have also worn glasses since 3rd grade. Went to 4 different docs for lasik, but no go. Last one said " just have cataract surgery. Will need eventually, one of most performed operations in U.S". I passed as only in mid 50s. But tempting.
Another thing to think about, as with contacts or lasik, can get one eye set for distance, and one for reading. The memshab and a brother both swear by it.
Allan, I've had mono vision naturally since my mid 30s. My left eye is very nearsighted, the right is normal, age related far sighted. It's very easy to read, watch tv, etc. without glasses. I do wear glasses when driving, although I am not legally required to. My biggest issue has been driving at night. I feel I need the glasses in low light. I'm also right on the edge of not being able to adjust my birdoculars for the extreme difference between the eyes.

Personally, I like mono vision, but I have heard from others that it takes some time to get used to when done surgically.
I thought about mono vision, good friend had contacts set that way for years. Did not as I was sure I would go nuts. After the first cataract surgery left eye was far sighted after the surgery and right eye was near sighted. After a few days I was doing the mono vision just fine. The brain is an amazing thing. I had 3 weeks between surgeries.
Got the early cataract diangosis last month. Told to wear sunglasses outside no matter what the weather. Plays h*** with my birding. Also told it's likely 20 years until I'd need surgery. Not sure I care to last that long. Does leave me feeling old, though.
N'kwala said:
Got the early cataract diangosis last month. Told to wear sunglasses outside no matter what the weather. Plays h*** with my birding. Also told it's likely 20 years until I'd need surgery. Not sure I care to last that long. Does leave me feeling old, though.
Was there a specific reason that sunglasses were recommended? I didn't get that from my opthomologist.
might as well add to the topic.

never had to wear glasses till i was 60+ then only readers for a while,but did have
a pteryqium (growth on the eye) that started to cause vision problems,had it removed.
jump forward 15 years have another one on other eye,go to have it checked and find
out i also have the joy of a cataract in the same eye.
but whats weird is that during the day road signs etc are blurred,but at night every thing is clear.
makes me want to sleep during the day and stay up at night :p .
still growing old is better than you know what.

Sunnies are supposed to slow the development of cataracts. I double checked the NFB's website and the National Institute of Health and my doc's recommendation seems borne out.

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