Feels like fall...


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon

Fall in Bend -- for the next few days, anyway...
(in Bend with only 12" of annual moisture, "showers" -- even rain -- never amounts to much)

...and a hint of winter forecast for the nearby mountains:
(from the Bend Bulletin, September 24, 2013)
We turned on the furnace in the house Sunday afternoon after the official start of Autumn. Here's what we woke up to in the morning before autumn even arrived.

ski3pin said:
We turned on the furnace in the house Sunday afternoon after the official start of Autumn. Here's what we woke up to in the morning before autumn even arrived.

This was at your house, ski3pin? Impressive! :)

It's like the Sierras are saying, "Last winter was such a non-event disaster, and what with the fires this summer...lets just get on with another winter!"
It's not that unusual for some high country snow this time of the year for the Sierras.
Back I think 87 at the end of Sept,during deer season for the Ebbetts area the "winter" goods dropped about 6" on the hunters camping out.Not even a hint in the forecast.Really caught them by surprise.
It wasn't funny for the hunters,but I had to kinda chuckle when I saw the tents all loaded down with snow.
Here's to a "winter" this year.
First FREEZING :eek: night of the season!
at my place in Bend, Oregon. It's 30° at 6:30 a.m.. UPDATE: 29° at 7:15.

Recently I'd been considering whether I should bring my Wave catalytic heater along on my upcoming eastern-Sierra trip or just rely on the forced-air furnace: "since it won't be too cold, I'll likely not use it much, so the noisiness won't matter", was my thinking.
What was I thinking? I'll likely be camping at >10,000 feet, maybe >11,000, (in the Whites)...of course I should bring the Wave! :rolleyes:
Temps are already in the mid 20's at night in that area. It was 27 one night early last week in the Bodie Hills and 29 at Silver Lake campground.
Forecast for next week is mid 20's at night.

Bring your woolies and your heater :unsure:
A wild -- wet and windy -- blast from the Pacific forcing it's way into Oregon and adjacent states (and beyond) the past couple of days, seen in this satellite view from about 4 p.m. PDT today.

Notice those wavy ripples, indicative of high winds!

(current satellite view)
(wind speed map, screenshot from my phone, a few minutes ago)

The winds started up in Bend a couple of days ago, though it's been less today than yesterday. Power went out at my house last night, presumably due to the wind, though only briefly -- a power-blink.
More cool high-wind-wavy clouds this morning:
From a satellite image at 8 a.m. PDT today.

Wind-speed map:
Ugh.... it's wet and still coming down. Hair over 4" of rain in my gage since friday morning. Many places with more. Sorry but this sucks.... I hope this is not a preview of the months to come.....
Riverrunner said:
Ugh.... it's wet and still coming down. Hair over 4" of rain in my gage since friday morning. Many places with more. Sorry but this sucks.... I hope this is not a preview of the months to come.....
Yeah, it's too bad it wasn't a colder system: rain = bad, snow = good.
With all the rain in western Oregon you'd think Mt. Bachelor would have more snow at its base than this:
just a few inches...
It's like a nice winter day in Bend today: At noon it's sunny and beautiful but only 46°F. :eek:
But it's supposed to get more seasonal-warm by Saturday -- upper 60s.
It is fall here. The bedroom windows were open last night. The wind outside woke both of us up. Billows of pine needles now cover the roof, yard, and road. When will it be replaced by snow?
84, with mosquitos and high humidity here in Columbia, MO. Lots of noisy insects and frogs as well. Very strange for this desert rat!
Cold, cold here, lot's of wind, Fall seems early this year, not much fall color yet! A couple of days ago, ran around covering up my wood up, and doing winter prep stuff before a "Big" storm was supposed to hit-did not happen, wonder if that is how it will be this year "lot's of noise and no big bang?" Well I got my wood in and have a new roof, so I'm ready ;) ---I hope.

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