Four Wheel Camper Rally


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Left after work and made it there in two hours. Most of the people were already there. It rained. Saturday we did the walkaround. Saw some really nice rigs and got a few ideas I may or may not use.

Then we got to hear Tom give a small lecture before taking questions. I was impressed with how much of the FWC crew showed up. Sonam, Stan, Chicali and a bunch more.

Had a good dinner with lots and lots of salads. Next time I'm bringing something else.

Started raining again at night and was still raining as I packed up so I just headed out after coffee.
We had a good time and met some great people. At least Saturday was dry for most of the activities. Trip report and pictures later. Unloaded the camper and left top up to dry out. Used our old plastic grass mat for the last time. Hosed it off and thought this should be fine in the washer, not so :unsure: . Pulled it out and the washer looked like I had mowed the plastic grass in side the washer :(

20 minutes with the shop vac and running an empty load through the washer and all is well. :D
We had a great time visiting with all the folks we saw last year, plus meeting many new ones and a few that attended the SoCal rally's. The wife and I weren't very prepared for the rain. Everyone (NoCal) had rain gear - we had umbrellas and wind breakers. I have a rain slicker and it was hanging in the closet at home when we left - assured that the storm was going to blow out before we got there !!!

Those of you who have seen my rig know that our living room and kitchen are outside. Here are pictures depicting how one cooks and leisures in the rain:

And a second:

We had a great time and our little shelter was warm and cozy (no wind). Glad we purchased an awning for our rig.
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