FWC *indoor* shower owners: how is it? Likes / Dislikes?


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2018
FWC *indoor* shower owners: how is it? Likes / Dislikes?

Hi all

We are looking at a Granby slide in. (or similar ATC)

We’d be using a PortAPotty, so we dont need or want a walled toilet / shower area.

Sometimes it would be more convenient to have a quick indoor shower rather than outside. We like to boondock a lot in the middle of nowhere (not at campsites with facilities) or maybe even an occasional quick stealthy solo camp with the top down for sleeping.

One advantage of the FWC is that they’ll do an indoor shower….. and it is merely a grate and shower pan on the floor, and a shower curtain that hangs from above (in a big wedge) and tucks into the shower pan, under the grate.

The advantage is that it isn’t using up any space when not in use.

AWC (our other top contender) does not do indoor showers like this.

Looks as if we would be limited to the front dinette layout to get the inside shower option… according to this:


and… From the pics I saw of an indoor shower on a Grandby (rear dinette on flat bed, so a different layout) the shower temperature controls may be quite a ways from the shower… ?

Thanks to anyone who has an indoor shower in a FWC for any thoughts.

Can't help you on the inside shower, we didn't feel we wanted it. We have the outdoor shower and have used it only once in 5 camping seasons. We have found YMCA's and other clubs or gyms, to get a shower, or at campgroumds that have them. You have a 20 gallon water tank + 6 gallon hot water tank. That can disappear quickly and if you are boondocking, you might run out of water.
I have a Hawk w/an indoor shower, front dinette. We've only used the shower twice (we have the outdoor hookup too, and we've used that more), but it's pretty slick. Roomy it is not, but does what it's supposed to do. Obviously it's a tight fit with the shower curtain wrapped close, but works. Only drawback to the indoor shower is that you end up w/a wet shower curtain. Probably best to use it when you know you'll be camped for a bit, and leave it out in the sun to dry. Glad I have it..on a cold day much better than the outdoor one. Will probably use it more next year when we head up to Alaska.
longhorn1 said:
Can't help you on the inside shower, we didn't feel we wanted it. We have the outdoor shower and have used it only once in 5 camping seasons. We have found YMCA's and other clubs or gyms, to get a shower, or at campgroumds that have them. You have a 20 gallon water tank + 6 gallon hot water tank. That can disappear quickly and if you are boondocking, you might run out of water.
Thanks for the thoughts...
we always have other utility 'jugs' of water, plus a case of big water bottles, so we always have plenty of water.

plus we do very short 'submarine' showers (mostly off, except for rinsing)

often we are nowhere near a YMCA or campground... nice to have a quick shower every 3rd day..... body wipes the rest of the time. :)
We have an indoor shower in our 2018 Grandby flatbed and (mostly) like it.

Cons: 1) Bit of a pain to put up, 2) expensive, 3) if you aren't careful the shower curtain will leak (but we're getting better at this.)

Pros: 1) We tend to camp at high elevations that even in summer are cool to chilly and invariably a breeze will come up when Sioux wants to shower. Plus we tend to shower during non-hiking hours as in the evening when it is colder. Even in a popup outdoor shower enclosure Sioux freezes so she wanted the indoor shower. Do I need to add any more 'pros'? :)

I will add with care we can take two decent showers in about 3 1/2 gallons of water. Plus the new 2018 Flatbed models have the shower controls right by the shower. (I can't speak to the slide ins.) And the shower curtain is fast drying nylon so it dries overnight outside.

For us being 98% way off grid boondocking with no other showering options I (actually Sioux) wouldn't be without it.


NOTE: Here is a photo of an inside shower I did in our first slide-in Hawk using a fold up shower pan, a Home Depot shower curtain and a hose off the sink. It actually worked pretty well!
radarcontact said:
I have a Hawk w/an indoor shower, front dinette. We've only used the shower twice (we have the outdoor hookup too, and we've used that more), but it's pretty slick. Roomy it is not, but does what it's supposed to do. Obviously it's a tight fit with the shower curtain wrapped close, but works. Only drawback to the indoor shower is that you end up w/a wet shower curtain. Probably best to use it when you know you'll be camped for a bit, and leave it out in the sun to dry. Glad I have it..on a cold day much better than the outdoor one. Will probably use it more next year when we head up to Alaska.
Almost the same as Radarcontact,
I have the Granby with the indoor shower and I have also only used it twice because I have the outdoor as well;
The first time I used it was just to try it out. It actually was roomy and worked well (maybe since I have a Granby).
The second time I used it it was a cold night in tne 30's and it worked like a charm with the furnace running as well.

As Radar said above, the biggest issue is letting the curtain dry but I just left it up hanging all night and put it away the next day. It was only damp a bit at the bottoms and next chance I got I was able to let it dry fully in the sun outside.

The way I see it...it is great to have in the event you are out somewhere that the temps dont get over 40 for a few days in a row so the outdoor shower isnt practical you have this you can use but really only in a pinch like that.

Otherwise it is far easier to use the outside shower (I bought one of those portable shower tents) and also what we do is we have 20 washrags we bought at Walmart (5 for $1) and at night I run the hot water heater and then run that hot water on a washrag and give my self a sponge bath pretty much all over before bed with one soapy washrag and one rinse, dry off with a towel tossing the washrags in our laundry bag and that really works quite well for quite a few days.
I have an inside shower in my Hawk which I have never used. Seems like it would be a lot of trouble in such a confined space. REI has all kinds of products for body and hair that work really well for keeping clean in the great outdoors without having to use a drop of water. But it is comforting to know that I could take a hot shower if I really want to.
We have a 2016 Grandby with the shower and the cassette toilet. We have used the shower many times on our trips to Baja, not so much our trip to Alaska as it was raining a whole lot of the time and we stayed in campgrounds that had showers. We generally do not use the on board water and pump, but use the 3 gallon garden sprayer we have been using for years in our VW Vanagon. It uses much less water than the onboard system, we can each get 2 showers out of one 3 gallon fill. We only use the on board pump when we have access to plenty of water. Also, in Baja, our on board tank is filled with purified water for cooking and drinking, we use non purified water for everyting else, including showers and the cassette toilet. We do have a portable shower stall, but only rarely go to the trouble to set it up. I have found that bees tend to like the water and it's hard to shower alone. Also, it's usually windy down in Baja in the winters. We bought the FWC because my wife wanted the shower option. I wanted the cassette toilet because I have traveled with a porta pottie for years and found that water (clean) always managed to slop out onto the floor through the venting filler cap.
It depends on you personal habits and preferences. don't care how I camp (including backpacking), I always have a self contained shower and use it every day. Nothing like a nice hot shower after a day of hiking, hunting or fishing. I made an indoor/outdoor shower for my FWC Ranger II (Eagle) with a tank less water heater and dedicated pump. Most of the time I use creek or lake water. The unit can raise the water temp 70* if needed.
Los Angeles: I have a Fleet with the front dinnette and shower. We use it everyday camping and have the routine down to a science. Yes, you can take a shower outside, however, I have found it easier and more enjoyable inside not dealing with the mud, lack of privacy and most importantly, wind. My two cents, if you can afford it, get it. I sprayed silicone on the shower curtain and have a couple of old towels around the bottim of the pan to catch drips. BLUF: Wife is happy taking a shower everyday....so I am happy.
We have a Fleet with the shower. When the weather is nice we shower outside with a pop-up enclosure; however when it's cold and/or blustery we love the indoor option.

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