Good article on New Owners of FWC

Mstallings, new solar panels?!? Goodness, I just upgraded my 100w Zamp to 160 last month and there already out of date!!!!
Pretty much reminds me of Blackhawk (BH) (NOT to be confused with Blackwater), a company started in the garage of VA Beach Navy SEAL Mike Noell, sewing backpacks. After taking the company as far as he could growing it internally with available capital, Mike sold BH to the conglomerate, ATK. By 2105, BH assets were sold or absorbed and for all intense purposes except for the name attached to a few iconic products developed by Mike and his team.

Pretty much the case for many "baby boomer" started companies sold to or acquired by equity ventures or conglomerates.

Hopefully, we will not see FWC go down the same path...only time will tell.
BrianG said:
Mstallings, new solar panels?!? Goodness, I just upgraded my 100w Zamp to 160 last month and there already out of date!!!
I'm hoping they will be released in time for them to be factory installed when I take delivery in June. I don't remember the brand or the specs but they do require a new controller. Solar is a fast-moving stream, and improves constantly, so just about no matter when you buy you'll be out of date within a year.
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