Happy Cascadia Subduction Day!


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
Today, January 26, 2015, is the 315th anniversary of the last Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. At 9 p.m.

By "last" I mean "most recent" -- not final. Another could happen any time...and will -- at magnitude 8 or 9. :unsure:

The link above to an Oregon Public Broadcasting story explains very well how scientists figured out the date and time so precisely (the estimate of hour thanks to Japanese records of the resulting tsunami).


(more WTW earthquake fun)
Since man's lifespan and history is so short, it's hard to to get our heads around how dynamic our earth's processes are.....................until the big one hits. Great stuff to share Mr. BC.
ski3pin said:
.......until the big one hits...
Yes. The Cascadia Subduction Zone quake(s) are the PNW's version of "THE BIG ONE".
It's like what people worry about in western California for the San Andreas Fault. (except it's a different type/direction of plate movement that creates the quake).
Keep your camper supplied with fuel, water, food, medications, clothing, communications gear, and let it be your 3-day kit.

I noticed that the "Prophet of Doom" (James Roddey) has moved from the coast to Hood River. He does know things lesser informed mortals don't or actively ignore.

Search for "Roddey earthquake" and be met with a plethora of videos and reports by or about Mr Roddey. While he gives a great lecture, you will be left quaking in your boots until you prepare.
This one is interesting.
Thanks Mark! We almost missed it. Looking for the asteroid tonight though.
Looks like yesterday's story is part of a series from OPB on the predicted CSZ "big one", and about preparations for that inevitability.
Today's installment:
Can Coastal Communities Survive A Tsunami?

I live in Oregon but 150 miles from the ocean, on the other side of two mountain ranges, so, far from any tsunami danger.
However...I guess there's a chance that big CSZ plate movement might set off local volcanism...and my house is sitting on a lava flow... :unsure:
At least, that's what would occur if it was a disaster movie -- sliding and splashing on the coast, molten eruptions in the interior. ;)
I live in Hillsboro where we are not likely to be directly affected by a tsunami but the earthquake will take down, or render unsafe, most of the bridges in western Oregon. Our family has been active in Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) and the local Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) for the last 15, or so, years. We work closely with local and regional Emergency Managers on various disaster scenarios and drills. A lot of work has been, and is being, done to prepare for the inevitable CSZ event.

Until taking CERT training, people are blissfully unaware of the risks and on how much each person will be on their own. Look at the predicted northeast snow storm and photos of the empty shelves at supermarkets. There is no more than a 2 or 3 day supply of food and supplies in most towns. The stores and citizens depend on the Just In Time concept of deliveries to the markets by trucks which works until a major disruption occurs. Look at how long it took to respond and recover from Katrina. Not enough has been done since then to educate the populace that they need to take care of themselves. In a major disaster, first responders must take care of themselves and their own families before they are effective at taking care of those that did not prepare.

While being a "prepper" has had a negative connotation in some circles, as a WTW'er, you are a long way towards being prepared. Your camper will serve nicely as your shelter, and if you have solar to provide power for communications, a biofuel stove for cooking, a water sanitizing filter, and some supply of food and medications, you can survive for the several weeks until help arrives from outside the affected area.

A good place to start is here.

I remember a thread on expo about preparedness. Most people can easily agree at least a few days of food and water are reasonable. One New Yorker didn't he lived in the City and there were stores on every corner. You just can't get through to some people. You don't need to go full on survivalist to see the need to be minimally prepared.

I would like to figure out some way to filter water going into the camper. I have the filter under the sink but that wouldn't last long if I had to start using dirty water.
I got the Sawyer Point one All in One. It is a gravity feed filter that is good for 1,000,000 gallons. The kit comes with everything except the 5 gallon bucket including the drill to install it in the bucket. They are available at Amazon, REI, Cabelas, and many other stores.
I also have one of the Katadyn Hiker pump filters. Its filter is good for 200 gallons before replacement at the same cost as the Sawyer.

Original method was to hand carry water from the source & dump into filter into a collapsible water container and use the water from that container. My plan now is to use the bilge pump I just acquired to lift the water into the unfiltered bucket on the rooftop rack from the source or another carry bucket if I can't get close enough to the source. Attaching a shorter hose from the filter and stuffing the end into the Hawk's filler tube completes the system..

The important thing is to keep the clean side segregated from the dirty side and always save enough clean water to backflush the filter if needed.

The carbon filter under your sink will take care of any odors but it cannot take out the bacteria and parasites like the Sawyer can.

Yep. It's an active planet, and will be for a loonnnggg time -- until the radoactive elements run down and stop producing heat that drives the convection of the mantle that makes the plates move that cause earthquakes.
(check out that link above: They determined the amount of radioactive decay by measuring "the flux of antineutrinos emanating from deep within the Earth" -- Wow! :) )

It's one of the natural processes that humans would have to try real hard to screw up! ;)
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