Heading Back East to the Appalachian Mountains

Dughlas Stiubhart

It's good to be Stew
Dec 19, 2006
Any ideas for NF camping from you Easterners at WtW? I'll be leaving on Oct 2nd and will be in WVa, VA, NC and TN hiking the highest peaks east of the Mississippi from my All Terrain Camper basecamp.
Stew, don't know much about that part of the country but we wish we could join you! Have a great trip and safe travels!
Bseek said:
Could have trouble in the National Forests if they don't get a budget. They are closing campgrounds. Just be aware.
Good point Bseek. Perhaps I should ask for help locating dispersed NF camps and info on state park and local park campgrounds. I've already changed my plans for visiting some NPs and NMs.
ski3pin said:
Stew, don't know much about that part of the country but we wish we could join you! Have a great trip and safe travels!
Thanks, 3pin, and I wish you and the Lady could join me again! I'll take a few pics . . .
Good morning Stew,

Depending on the length of your planned trip, you could have trouble finding campsites irrespective of the Gummint shutdown. National Park (NP) campgrounds along the Blue Ridge Parkway (BRP) normally start shutting down on or about October 15 due to the onset of sub-freezing weather and the water/sewer system difficulties thus created. Ditto NF campgrounds in the higher elevations.

But, if your quest is to ascend some of the higher peaks in the States you listed, you're in luck, to a degree. Mount Rogers, VA's highest point, lies within Grayson Highlands State Park (SP). Mount Rogers and its nearly as high but much more scenic neighbor, Whitetop Mtn, should be accessible. The Appalachian Trail (AT), a NP unit but running over Rogers and Whitetop and impossible to "close" due to innumerable road crossings, provides access to Rogers and Whitetop.

Over near Boone, NC, lies Grandfather Mountain, now in the NC SP system. The tourist's drive-up is still in private hands, but the back country trails are free. With the BRP, a unit of the NP system, closed due to shut-down, you'll have to access the Grandfather Mountain backcountry trails from the US 221 trailhead south of Blowing Rock or the NC 105 Profile Trail trailhead. From US 221, I'd take the trail from 221 to the Boone Fork Trailhead on the BRP (merely crossing over the closed BRP), thence up the Nuwati Trail to the Crag Way, and Crag Way up to the Daniel Boone Scout Trail which takes you to Calloway Peak, the highest of several summits of Grandfather, at a shade under 6,000'. A decent topo and trail map can be downloaded and printed off of the Grandfather website.

Mount Mitchell, NC is the highest peak east of the Mississippi at just under 6,800' and is within the SP system in NC. If the BRP is still closed upon your arrival, you can still access Mount Mitchell. It's a drive-up but there are some trails along it.

Along the NC-TN border north of Mount Mitchell lie the Roan Highlands, including Roan Mountain, Yellow Mountain, Hump Mountain, and several other "balds". Roan Mountain SP is on the TN side near the town of Roan Mountain, TN. It has a nice CG, but you'll need to check ahead for operating season dates. About 3,000' above the SP CG is Carver's Gap, the NC state line and where the AT crosses TN 143/NC 226. A short hike south along the AT from Carvers Gap lies Roan High Knob at around 6,300', and the 13 mile section of the AT north of Carvers, all the way to US 19E between the towns of Roan Mountain, TN and Elk Park, NC, crosses several balds at just under 6,000' and is regarded as the most scenic of the AT segments south of the Whites in New Hampshire.

A little south of there, Unaka Mountain and the NF-operated Unaka Mountain Rd runs along a high ridge with stellar views of Mount Mitchell over on the NC side and the Tennessee Valley on the other side. That road has gates on each end and the smart money suggests they'll be closed during the shut-down since they're not also local county routes. But, if you can get in there, the Pleasant Garden overlook and the Beauty Spot overlook beacon.

South of there, the state line runs across Camp Creek Bald. A graded gravel road from the TN side of Allen Gap accesses radio towers so I would hope it'd be open during the shut-down. The AT runs along Camp Creek Bald.

Further south, but still on the north side of the Great Smoky Mtns NP, lies Max Patch Bald, between the NP and the nice little town of Hot Springs, NC. The AT and the NC-TN state line run most of the ridgetop from GSMNP to Hot Springs, and Max Patch Bald is a drive-up where the AT crosses. While most of the area is within one NF unit or another, many county roads cross at gaps and should remain open.

As you're probably aware, the main concentration of +6,000' peaks are in and around GSMNP, and by "around" I mean within the Pisgah or Nantahala NF boundaries. Outside of the GSMNP, however, a considerable network of county roads courses through the mountains and should provide decent access to summits like Albert Mtn, Wayah Bald, and Cheoah Bald.

I've got a stack of maps nearly 2' tall and I spent 5 days bombing around between Roan Mountain, TN and the north side of GSMNP at Davenport Gap back in May, so can provide more detail if you're interested. Feel free to ask.

Safe travels,

Blue Ridge Parkway can be traveled:

Although the NPS has "closed" its website for the BRP, the nonprofit behind the site www.blueridgeparkway.org is saying that the highway itself is open to travelers, but that all NPS-operated visitor centers, campgrounds, etc are closed due to the shut-down.

This could be good news for you, Stew, where not only is the BRP fun to drive, but it provides good access to some good VA high points south of Shenandoah NP (but Mount Rogers is well away from the BRP), and it provides great access to Grandfather Mountain's backcountry trails at Boone Fork trailhead (approx MP 300), to Linville Falls trails, to Mount Mitchell SP, and to a whole host of +6,000' territory between Asheville and the GSMNP entrance down in Cherokee. Elsewhere I've read that US 441, bisecting GSMNP through Newfound Gap, remains open, as one would expect all US, State, and local highways and roads to remain.


By googling "National Forest closures in North Carolina", I get a NF page listing a number of concessionaire-operated facilitys which are still open. Also present is wording stating "visitors may continue to use undeveloped recreation areas", so my thinking would be that most NF roads and disbursed camping areas can be used.

Further south in Georgia. I just hiked yesterday up to the Appalachian Trail from Lake Winfield Scott Campground in the Chattahoochee National Forest. Very cold overnight (low 40s) and with all the tall trees never warmed up til noonish. The Appalachian Trail starts in Georgia. There are a few trails that start from Winfield Scott Campground (altitude 2800'). Don't use Google maps to get there. ooops, i ended up crossing some creeks I had not counted on as Google missed the CG by some miles. Or was that Bing maps? Ah, who cares. Govt shutdown has screwed up my plans. Don't know where I'm going next as the Forests close. Camping at WalMart CG tonite in Perry, GA. Off to Florida inna morning.
Foy said:

By googling "National Forest closures in North Carolina", I get a NF page listing a number of concessionaire-operated facilitys which are still open. Also present is wording stating "visitors may continue to use undeveloped recreation areas", so my thinking would be that most NF roads and disbursed camping areas can be used.

Thanks for all the info, Foy. Am in Kansas now on my way to MO to visit my bro. Will give the maps a good going over then. You of course have nentioned many peaks on my list
Dusty said:
Further south in Georgia. I just hiked yesterday up to the Appalachian Trail from Lake Winfield Scott Campground in the Chattahoochee National Forest. Very cold overnight (low 40s) and with all the tall trees never warmed up til noonish. The Appalachian Trail starts in Georgia. There are a few trails that start from Winfield Scott Campground (altitude 2800'). Don't use Google maps to get there. ooops, i ended up crossing some creeks I had not counted on as Google missed the CG by some miles. Or was that Bing maps? Ah, who cares. Govt shutdown has screwed up my plans. Don't know where I'm going next as the Forests close. Camping at WalMart CG tonite in Perry, GA. Off to Florida inna morning.
Dusty, I might make it to Georgia, too!
Local/regional news last night reiterated that the BRP remains open to traffic, albeit sans visitor centers, campgrounds, etc. Yesterday afternoon my wife and 2 friends hiked the Rough Ridge trail along the BRP and accessed & drove the BRP from US 221 south of Blowing Rock south to Rough Ridge.

I'm still not seeing anything authoritative about NFs being wholly closed. The way NFs are laid out here in the East, they are a very complex patchwork of public and private lands. The effort to "close" the public lands to access would be extraordinary, so the apparent mandate to simply refrain from using developed areas within NFs is logical. The NPs, on the other hand, are more "solid" blocks of public property, generally with fewer access points, and they're wholly closed. Where numbered US and State highways cross SNP and GSMNP, those crossings remain open, as highways should. Spurs and side roads off of them are barricaded and closed.

The leaves are a-changing rapidly at elevations above 3,500'. Bring it on if you're seeking some leaf-peeping hikes and drives.

Looks like I may be staying in RV parks and comercial campgrounds,eh? Not really my style but can be done.

On to MO to check more maps at my bro's place.
Doug Stewart said:
Looks like I may be staying in RV parks and comercial campgrounds,eh? Not really my style but can be done.

On to MO to check more maps at my bro's place.
Could be, but depending on the timing of normal seasonal closing dates, you might have faced that to begin with. I'm seeing nothing suggesting that disbursed camping is in anyway not allowed during the shut-down.

Stew -
When you reach the summit of Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina, it'll look like this:

IMG_0309.jpg IMG_0313.jpg

When I bagged that peak (in my little rental car) this past April I was the only one there -- I was the highest person east of the Mississippi! :D
MarkBC said:
Stew -
When you reach the summit of Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina, it'll look like this:


When I bagged that peak (in my little rental car) this past April I was the only one there -- I was the highest person east of the Mississippi! :D
I wouldn't be so sure of that, Mark. Some of my old 1970s roommates at Appalachian State University might have had you beat that day, and pretty much every day..........
Foy said:
I wouldn't be so sure of that, Mark. Some of my old 1970s roommates at Appalachian State University might have had you beat that day, and pretty much every day..........
Maybe I should have said, "I was the most elevated person east of the Mississippi".... ;)
Yes, no quarrel there.....

You managed to hit Mitchell on a fine, fine day. It's not often that clear.

I called both concessionaires who operate CGs in Ocala Forest and both were ordered this AM to shut down their 5 combined campgrounds in the forest. Oh, well, drive south some more. I went to Blue Cypress Lake Park which I found at freecampsites.net. It's amazing. Old Florida Paradise in the middle of nowhere. Nearest grocery store is 30 miles away in Vero Beach. It's near the Yeehaw Junction exit from the Turnpike. I'm the only camper but a few people live on a short narrow canal off the lake and the lady who owns the 'fish camp'.
And it's a free county park with a shower. My Verizon Jetpak is slow out here so no link available.
I think by now all privately run CGs in the forests have been shut down.
MarkBC said:
Stew -
When you reach the summit of Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina, it'll look like this:


When I bagged that peak (in my little rental car) this past April I was the only one there -- I was the highest person east of the Mississippi! :D
Hi Mark,
Nice pic! Well I hope to in the same spot in the next couple of weeks, Am now in the jungles of Missouri at my bro's place making plans to drive across Kentucky to West Virginia where I've found some open state parks.

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