How is your DRD4 gene?


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2013
Speaking of wandering, after watching Wild I watched Tracks on Netflix which is based on a true story about a women that goes on a 1,700-mile trek across the deserts of West Australia with four camels. I thought it was better than Wild. I like her quote 'Some nomads are at home everywhere. Others are at home nowhere, and I was one of those'
A quote made of Cisco Houston by (I think by Lee Hays) goes something like "for a homebody he did more traveling than anyone I know". Genes may play a part but only a part.
craig333 said:
A quote made of Cisco Houston by (I think by Lee Hays) goes something like "for a homebody he did more traveling than anyone I know". Genes may play a part but only a part.
Craig, I hadn't thought about Lee Hays in a long time. Seems like he was in a little folk group with Ronnie Gilbert and some guy who played a 12 string and a banjo with a real looong neck (Pete Seeger). The Weavers were wonderful!
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