Interesting Happenings in California

Start of a trend I think. So many rural folks nationwide are just fed up with being controlled by big cities. Several states here in the east and elsewhere are mostly rural as far as land mass. But all the decisions are made by urban folks who haven't a clue if it doesn't have a mass of people and covered with concrete. What makes it worse is the holier than thou attitudes of the urban lawmakers. I think it has a lot to do with the major political divide that's facing the nation these days.
It couldn't happen soon enough for me. I'm a native, born and raised in CA, but seriously looking for a home outside of California.
I know several couples that migrated north to Oregon from the Bay Area and Sacramento as part of their retirement. They are quite pleased with the move.
Good luck with that! There was also a movement for 11 rural counties to secede from the rest of Colorado and form a new state called 'North Colorado'. It went about as far as this effort will.
I'm blue living in the red :eek: ! They have been trying to break this state up for years. Whether it was the state of Jefferson or this new idea or one that almost made sense-split it up around Fresno-two states with mixed economies, resources and both rural and urban populations with plenty of mixed in between-might even survive. .Hey but they will never let California split up into two, four or what ever number of different states.remember it is the seventh greatest economy in the world... It's allot more than the fight between the rural and the urban way(???) of life or even the red and blue or guns and no guns. It's much more simple than that.

Way back when most of the state was still rural, things were different, but once we got civilized and started to grow allot of crops and started to move to the cities-things that needed allot of water, the good day's were over-civilization was here. One of the first things these new population centers did was go buy the water rights to the water in the rural areas. LA got Owens Lake and even some water rights up here, San Fran got water from Yosemite and the crop producing regions got water from my home land in Northern California and the Colorado River. So-they will never let the state break up-they need to water! So maybe its time for all that blue and red to get together and become purple-since-at least here-is where we are. So move if you must, but for most of us we just have to cope ;) and maybe dream about why we didn't move to Alaska! Enough heavy thinking. Must be time to go WTWing!!

ntsqd said:
Oh, the semi-annual "Split up KA movement" is upon us again....

Yeah, at least the third such attempt I recall. One of the main reasons I believe pigs will fly before it ever happens is the "new" state will need to reimburse California for the costs of the infrastructure built by the state. So they will have to come up with enough money to pay for the dams, highways, schools and colleges, prisons, courts, state parks, etc. So the new state starts out on day one hundreds of billions of dollars in debt. Not to mention the new state will now be financially responsible to maintain the infrastructure. These are all lower population counties that want to do this and their premise is lower taxes. So with fewer people to tax and you are taxing them very little, where is that money going to come from? Sure they will be able to sell more resources like lumber, water, and mining leases, but those will bring several billion a year, pennies on the dollar of what is needed.

Yay, no more bureaucrats telling us we can't catch this fish or burn our trash or pump water out of that creek. Oh-oh, suddenly there is no more CHP, Department of Education building schools, unemployment, Cal Fire to fight those big rural fires that will come. Going to have new license plates and licenses for your state? Gotta start your own DMV. Maintaining all those roads will require your own department of transportation. Those dams you now run will require your own department of water resources. And on and on.

Guess what, "New California", "Jefferson", or whatever you want to call it suddenly has all the bureaucracy old California had but with less chance of being able to pay for it. Go buy a lotto ticket - the odds of winning are better than the odds of California being split.
What's sauce for the goose.....

New California would pay for the state built infrastructure by being reimbursed by New Old California for all those freeways, viaducts, dams, etc. built by the combined California plus revenue from water sales to New Old California.

New Old California would have to pay their infrastructure share off by oil sales from the now needed offshore oilwells. Or build new nuclear energy facilities to power de-salination plants to provide fresh water to the population.

It's taken 150+ years to get into the current state of chaos. Why shouldn't it take a few decades to get out of it or at least concentrate it in one state.

Meanwhile, if Californians want to escape the mess they have created in their state, please leave all the causal attitudes and philosophies in California with your exit. There should be a strict "no exports" policy imposed. If you love the new state you're moving to, don't change the destination state to resemble the state you're leaving.

Where's that tongue in cheek emoticon when I need it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The social conflict between urban and rural areas is ancient. Rural citizens generally get more in government services than they pay in taxes but reasonably feel they have little voice in governance. While I believe this movement is doomed, I wonder if each county in the proposed "New California" would, in fact, vote to join or prefer to remain part of "old" California.

Another motive behind these "breakups" is a desire to tilt the precarious balance of the US Senate by adding two more safe Republican seats to represent "New California".


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