Interesting weekend weather

I envy you all the close-ness to the wild spots... I would love to get out there ...though not the rattle snake part. Love the photos...
And thats why I'd like to get my dog trained. From what I've read its perfectly natural from them to want to go up sniff a strange creature. I did get on a cancellation list.

Also a reason to wear boots in rattlesnake country. Every time I climb over a log I wonder if this will be time. Seen a few but never had to kill one.

Ski, how many people were camped along the river? Just wondering if you also noticed fewer people out than normal for a holiday.
First off, the rattlesnake never rattled. The fellow doing the swamping was clearing the area prior as the other was starting up the saw. The swamper uncovered the snake at his feet. Gave him a start. The rattler had just finished swallowing a large dinner and was lethargic. The two guys took sticks and moved it about 15 feet away and went back to work.

Craig, it was packed with people down by the Silver Fork, both day use and with huge dispersed camp groups. It looked like a city. All of us familiar with the area said it was the most people we've ever seen. Kyle, the fellow in the USFS jeep you saw, had a very busy weekend. One fellow pulled into the equestrian camp/unloading area and set up his huge camper trailer in the middle of the entrance - camped right there - blocking the ability of users to come in and turn around with their stock trailers. He didn't have a clue. I would not have wanted to be in his shoes when he was informed about his stupidity. It reminded us why we always try to go away from here on a weekend. You had much better luck. :)
There's a reason we (work group from my former employer) stopped camping along the silver fork. Believe me, once I'm retired and have other options I'll stop camping on Memorial Weekend. Or maybe weekends at all :) I did hear a lot of radio traffic on the forest net. Sounded really busy in the Crystal Basin.
Its not a bad spot. Kinda wish I'd hiked down the wolf creek road to see just how far/bad the washout is.
I have camped and hiked out of Wolf Creek. The first beating that area took was flooding in 1997, then more recent fires. I did not know the road was washed out. Dang -
The gate has been locked the past two years though I saw a guy with a horse trailer open the gate and go in so it must be a ways down.
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