Internet Etiquette - posting of secret and hard to find camp spots

super doody

Senior Member
Aug 2, 2012
San Mateo Coast
In the surfing community there has been a long standing etiquette of not posting about about secret or hard to find surf spots on the internet. Its a similar etiquette for the fishing and hunting crowd.

I agree with this etiquette. The bottom line is that there are too many people and not enough resources. And why should the guy behind the keyboard the reek the benefits of someone who put in the effort and time to discover the resource. I'm my opinion, the process of discovery is big a part of the adventure. Of course its up to the person to the decided how much is too much information share on the internet. For me, throwing out clue here and there is fair game and also sharing of well known spots but positing a map and directions is crossing the line.

Of course this MY opinion. What do you guys think?
:ninja: :D
Years ago I got severely chastised for posting what I thought was a well known surf spot. Since then I don't post where for anything that I haven't seen already discussed. I may share it in a PM, but I don't post it and I don't respond to guesses.

Part of the adventure is finding those spots. I've since realized that posting them is like the Sierra Club's 100 Peaks list. There are people whose only goal is to have climbed every list on the peak. The only photos and memories they have are of them at the summits, what they passed in getting there and back is lost. I find that sad.
unless i know the person or such as this site,if person has shown
that he/she is respected by members i do not share spots.(then by pm only)

over the years as a remote hot springs junkie i have seen beautiful
natural hot springs trashed ,ruined, over run with thrill seekers.

i always go out of my way to ask how you learned about what ever springs
we are at and most times the answer is the net!

luckily we still know of a few not on the net.

yes i am selfish !

just my thoughts yours may differ.

I think this is similar to petro/picto sites. I have friends who venture far and wide and they share information about special places with me. There are those on similar forums about desert travel who go to the extreme and post quite a bit about interesting places yet they will not share any information, even by PM. The special places do need to be protected. In the end it is up to the specific individual to decide if they want to put it out there for all to see.

One negative point is that sometimes people get themselves into trouble looking for specific sites/places to visit.
Glad you guys are on the same page. My whole point is that you don't have to be completely tight lipped about it because sharing is also apart of the adventure but at least try to make it a little discreet and be respectful of the other's "spots".
When we all meet up this October we will share our special find in Nevada. Some of you may already know about it. Great for photography and just seeing a beautiful landscape. We have found several sources for some cool large agates but have kept them secret just because one is on private property ( we had permission) and the other was along the road (still trying to find the source). We have seen too many special places trashed so keep quiet about our finds except for people we know who will respect the land and want to keep it from being over run. I think that most on this forum feel the same way.
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