Intro & a local's tips on Glacier NP area


May 20, 2009
Bigfork Montana
I've been lurking here for a while and devouring everything so, since I'm doing the ATC/FWC tour in 1 month to convince my wife of our need for one, I thought I ought to introduce myself.
We've been here in NW Montana for about 10 years and have completely fallen under the spell. We live about 40 mi from Glacier and go up at least 20/year. It is a magical place but can be trying during the annual running of the Winnebagos from June 1 through early Sept. Since you all have shared so much good info I thought I'd pass along some of the things I've learned.

Going to the Sun road- Spectacular but can be a mess for traffic. I do the Sun/Hwy 2 loop several times per season and always get to the West entrance of GNP by 8:00 AM at the latest. This puts you at the top by 9:30 or so and the traffic/parking is pretty good. Head up while everyone else is eating breakfast. They also open up the road in stages for non-motorized travel (walking and bikes) starting in mid-May. This is a great ride made even more interesting when you encounter fresh bear scat on the road.

One of my favorite of the developed areas is Two Medicine by East Glacier. The campsites are much nicer than in the main part of the park and I have seen empty ones on July 4th. I don't care much for the camping around Lake McDonald.

There is very nice camping on Hungry Horse Reservoir just west of the park. You can stay close in and be in the park in 20 minutes or take the 100 mi loop to the head of the reservoir. Usually only locals here.

If you are coming to the park from the south, avoid Hwy 93 unless you are in a hurry; very crowded during the summer. Hwy 83 (Swan Hwy) is much prettier and relaxed with some nice camping along the way. Watch out for deer. Actually this goes for all of NW Montana. The speed limit may be 70 but since I don't like Bambi-bumping I roll at 55-60 unless the roadside is cut back 100' on each side.

Enough! If you want restaurant tips etc. let me know. Thanks, Barney
Barney, welcome. Thanks for the informative post. Sounds like you will be a wealth of info for folks heading your direction. I hope to take you up on some of it someday. Living where you do, it shouldn't be too hard to convince the wife on the need for a camper, it should be considered a bare necessity. Best of luck.
Welcome to the forum Barney - :cool:

You live in a great area, one of my favorites. I must agree, Hungry Horse Reservoir is one of the most scenic lakes I've been to. But that road... oh my shock absorbers, that road....:eek:

I posted a trip report to Glacier NP, primarily Kintla Lake and Polebridge, awhile back here on the forum. Included are tons of pics. As you'll see I really appreciate your neighborhood. Hoping to be back in August, for a quick trip up to Polebridge.

Hope you find your camper soon!

What a great intro, Barney!

It's been FAR too many years since I've been to Glacier NP/N Montana. Your mention of Two Medicine brought a smile as I remembered a trip in high School to that campground where we were deluged with monsoon T-storms and spent the entire 3 days trying to dry out a huge canvas tent and all of our gear w/no luck. Stupid flatlanders... LOL.

I can get my wife to chime in if you need a female opinion on the FWC/ATC method of camping. I had her sleeping in a tent for years...then a camper unless you've been spoilin' yer wife she's gonna think these campers are the way to go.

good luck with the quest.

Welcome aboard and best luck in chasing a camper. Thanks for the tips on Glacier since it's on our someday list. The locals always know how to beat the system in tourist areas, believe me we know from doing it hear for 30 years.
Thanks for the warm welcome. My wife is already sold on the "idea" of an ATC, just want her to see the reality before investing the $. We're heading to Yellowstone Wed, motelling as our last trip was cold, rainy and no fun in a tent hence the desire for a camper.
Anyone traveling up this way PM me and I'll give you the good bakeries, restaurants etc.

And yes, Polebridge and the bakery are don't-miss-its.
Good choice Realbtl,
Pam and I figured we could spend a week in Paris every year for the past 10 years including air fare for what we've spent on campers and accesories over that same period of time. But at least its not a motorhome.

Life is a series of choices and compromises.
Welcome and Thanks!


Welcome to WTW and thanks for the good write-up on the Glacier Park area.

Darling Daughter is transferring to University of Montana at Missoula next year and I'm sure we'll be spending more time in western Montana for at least the next couple years. Susan lived in the Stevensville area as a little kid and we've spent some time with her family there but haven't done any camping so your good words are a help. Last time I was in Glacier Park was '64...all I remember is the goat mount that was in the lodge :p

We're thinking about spending through maybe the second week in October in MT, starting around the middle of Sept. in the Libby and Glacier Park area (Dad grew up on Libby Creek in a log cabin ca. 1910-20 and I'd like to see if we can find it) then migrating to the Bitteroot Valley as it gets colder.

Happy Trails!
Alaskan Snowbirds
The deer

My brother hit a deer in three forks. I left his ashes on the banks of the Galiten river four days later. Your state was so beautiful i could not think of any other place he would of wanted to be. Have a good Memorial weekend. Marty
Marty- My condolences on the loss of your brother. I quit riding street motorcycles after 40+ years after I moved here. I shudder when I see folks blowing down the road at 70 with no helmet. Deer,elk, moose, bears and even mountain lions have been hit within 30 miles of here though the deer are the worst. I've lost count of the number of times I've come close to nailing one.
Pie, Pie, and more homemade Pie

Allways enjoy Glacier Park. Need to make another trip.

Is the "PIE" shop still at St. Marys.
Pie Shop

Patrick- They'll probably have the pass open by mid-June. I try and take the convertible over within the first week so I'll check and let you know. I usually don't stop anywhere, just take a picnic lunch and eat at Two Medicine.
I too was in your boat. It wasn't hard to talk her in to the camper after all. I just started reminiscing with her on how much fun we used to have camping and how busy with bullshit we are now. Then I showed her all the wonderful pictures and stories from the cool people at "wander the west" and she agreed. The only bad part was that I had to wait until one of our CD's was ready. THAT WONT BE UNTIL OCTOBER!!!. So now I just get to wait, look at this website, and dream, counting the days (159 days).
Good luck to you!!

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