Just Some Pics


King Taco
Sep 9, 2007
Oxnard, CA.
Just some pics from a little overnighter a few weeks ago...haven't really been taking or posting pics of trips lately...

Santa Barbara Harbor and the Channel Islands:

Gibraltar Dam:

Camp for the night:

Above average sunset:

Had the place to myself:

McPherson Peak:

Views of Cuyama Valley:

Fun drive down through the clouds and rain:
Above average photos as usual Sunman. :) Great opportunity for you to go to Big sur right now - none of us pesky northerners can get there without going all the way around.

Which provides more sphincter factor - driving a narrow shelf road when you can see the drop off or driving it in the the clouds and rain and not knowing how far down it goes?
Mr. Sun, thanks for the nice photos and a look at your part of the world. It's good to have the camper on so you can just do a quick getaway when you need it. The Lady went to alfa phelfa moo, she is just about due for a central coast fix. After another 4 feet of snow here in the last few days and clearing the road just to be sure the snowblower gas can gets topped off, I am about ready too. Thanks for the post!
Above average photos as usual Sunman.
Great opportunity for you to go to Big sur right now - none of us pesky northerners can get there without going all the way around.

Which provides more sphincter factor - driving a narrow shelf road when you can see the drop off or driving it in the the clouds and rain and not knowing how far down it goes?

Big Sur Ted???...Last time I went up there I got married...I better stay away, who knows what I may do next!

But seriously, it is on our radar, I think we are going to let the wildflowers brew a little longer before we head up. I did not realize there had been a landslide, looks like they will be back in business in a month or so, hopefully you can make the trip this year too. As for the sphincter factor, this is one time the pic makes it look worse that it was. It was quite the enjoyable drive with clouds billowing over the ridges.

3Pins, methinks you are about due for a central coast run too, you guys have been getting HAMMERED up there. The California poppies are calling you.
3Pins, methinks you are about due for a central coast run too, you guys have been getting HAMMERED up there. The California poppies are calling you.

Hammered is right. Rain/snow and more everyday. Hopefully it will bring on an incredible wildflower display later.

Good to see your rig getting some use out there, Sunni!
Nice pics.

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