Last minute ideas heading North?


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2008
Southern Appalachians
Next week I'm heading out from the home base here in S. NM destination Alaska. The weather North is still less than perfect so I'm not in a hurry and I'm trying to remember "it's the journey". I should return in 5 weeks or so but other than that and wanting to get to Alaska not many rules. I'll have a small trailer behind me with a porta potti, generator, Segway for my daughter, and two 50+ hounds in the back seat. The most direct route is through Moab, SLC, etc.. Another option in to get to Rte 93 and take it through Neveda all the way to Canada, and I could head further West Oregon/Washington. Been a lot of places and looking for more;)

You could head over through Utah via 12 and 89 to St George and then over to 93 via Enterprise. Lots to do and see along the way. I don't really care for Moab, too glitzy for me. You could catch it on your way back. Plenty of BLM land to camp on along the way. I drive these roads quite a bit and never tire of the landscape.
UT14 to Cedar City is nice, and I have never been to Bryce so 12 might be a good option. I'll still be able to get on 93N parts of which I haven't traveled. Have you been to Baker and the Electrolux cafe?
A lot of roads, including 93, were closed in Montana this week due to blowing and drifting snow but hopefully this is the last gasp of winter. I watched the cold front come in from my house in Southwest Montana and the temp went from almost 80 degrees to 35 degrees in just a couple of hours. I only got about a foot of snow (cumulative) but near the Canadian border there was 5 feet with 12 foot drifts. It's probably mostly gone by now but.....

What route are you taking through Canada? The Alcan or the Cassiar? Wish I was headed that direction,

I saw that St Mary's in Glacier had 6' of new white stuff, Guess Going to the Sun won't be open until August! We are most likelt going to take the Cassiar going up and maybe the Alcan back but whatever the truck decides is OK.
LOTS of places to park in the bush off the cassiar. when you get to New Hazelton which is 50 miles west of Smithers, you can take the road to OLD Town, have a look at KSAN, then you can go to Kispiox and take the logging road which will bring you out near Bell 2 on the Cassiar. There are some good camping spots. Check the Visitor centre at the turn off from hazelton to old town for a map.
We are in Watson Lake, Yukon, so welcome to stop by for a visit, bbq, coffee shower etc. we have a large fenced yard for the dogs to run around. watson is 14 miles down the alcan from the cassiar junction..been to alaska many times. got lots of lies.
Oh the weather this way is not so bad. 70 degrees today, kids played in the sprinkler all day and I am even a little sunburnt. Come on up!
Oh the weather this way is not so bad. 70 degrees today, kids played in the sprinkler all day and I am even a little sunburnt. Come on up!

96 here later this week but I be heading your way by them. I don't need 70 but at least 50's would be good.
You should have that no problem. Perhaps a little frost at elevation and north of here at night. The leaves all popped out today and my grass is starting to grow so your timing should be good.

Enjoy the trip. I have not done the cassiar highway in years, and am a bit jealous.
North to Alaska


I started to do a comprehensive post on the trip to/from Alaska but it was getting to small novel proportions so deleted and started over.

Top recommendation: Make sure to get a copy of "The Milepost". It's "the bible" of travel from the lower 48 to Alaska & back. With it you will know as much as possible without having made the trip before. It includes the Al-Can and Cassiar, as well as the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS).

Al-Can is the old name and "Alaska Highway" is the new name. I like the old name because it includes our wonderful Canadian neighbors, through whose country it runs, in the name.

Check the opening dates for BC Parks at many don't open until May 15 or later.

Drive BC at: is a great site that provides current road conditions and weather.

Check out the State of Alaska web site at: , and the Alaska Railroad site at:

May is early. When I was in school, at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, I remember sitting by the fountain (ice arch at the time) in front of the Duckering Building in my 20 +/- degrees...because it was so warm, in May.

In late May of '79 we hit a substantial snowstorm north of Whitehorse.

Gas in Canada is sold by the liter. When we came through B.C. to Prince Rupert in March '09 it was around $0.90 Canadian/L. and the Canadian $ was around 80% of U.S. It looks like current prices in B.C. are running $0.86 to $1.16 Canadian/liter (litre) Credit cards automatically convert from Canadian to US but charge a fee for the conversion. Having some Canadian $ is nice for coffee etc. We always try to remember we're guests in Canada and not in the U.S.

There are many great/beautiful places and long stretches of forest/bush.

Let us know if you'd like any specific information and we'll gladly do our best.

It's a great trip that we hope to do many many more times.

Happy Trails!
Thanks for the info. I do have the Milepost and accept that I may seed some decent snow. Leaving early will keep in cool but should keep the toourist and mosquito coiunt lower. Just hope my FWC heater works! I'm getting a late start today but that's OK, I'll take my time heading North. Did notice opening dates range from 5/5/ to 5/10 to later. Thanks
Barko, Hi from 'Up North in Canada'

My first post. This is evidently a big deal. Also lurked here for awhile.

But to Barko, I live in Calgary, can give you much info about southern BC, and most areas from Glacier in Montana, through Banff-Jasper.
Any questions or ideas, either email/pm, or place on here.

Winter/spring has had trouble deciding this year. Was just in Banff on Saturday, and the mountains are still white.



Glad to see representation from Calgary!

We did a short run through Jasper/Banff in October of '07 (before we had our camper) and it was an outstanding trip we hope to do again but take more time.

Best wishes on finding a camper, eh?
My trip is progressing:thumb: Started with a blown tire so I opted to replace them all with 10 plies. So a slower than anticipated start but spent night one outside Eager AZ, then at 8700' above Cedar City followed by Craters of the Moon, somewhere in MT, Raium Hot Springs, BC, and last night Mt Robson West of Jaspar. Bad wifi here so no pics but man that Icefields Parkway has to be among the top roads in the world. Tomorrow it will up the Cassiar.
...that Icefields Parkway has to be among the top roads in the world. Tomorrow it will up the Cassiar.


What a great trip you must be having. We thought the run from Canmore to Tete Jaune Cache was one of the best we had ever seen too.

I'm guessing you must be in Alaska now...if you get a chance a short update would be great!

Happy Trails!
Something like 10500 miles later we are back. I'll put together some pics soon. Made it North of the Artic Cicle and the Brooks Range, now I'm wondering why it's not light out all the time. I really liked the feel of the far north. Good weather most of the time. Here is one pic

Shortly after this tire separated I decided to put on 4 new 10 plies which gave me much piece of mind, no more tire problem except strange wear, more on that later.

One more

Had been thinking of going to Inuvik but reports were that a needed ferry wasn't open yet so after Denali headed up the Dalton. Next Fall Inuvik!

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