Local Critters


May 20, 2009
Bigfork Montana
Since I'm stuck on hold waiting for my 8-28 delivery of my Cougar - I know, at my age I shouldn't want the time to pass too quickly, one day at a time, etc. but damn it, I want it now - I thought I'd put up some of the local wildlife my neighbors and I have photographed lately. I'm about 3/4 mi. up a private road and we see a lot. I unfortunately missed the moose last Fall and the the bears this Spring. I think I need to carry the camera all of the time. Anyway, here's a couple of this year's crop of fawns.


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The Birds

The wild turkeys have their babies out and about, quite entertaining. The sandhill cranes are much rarer but show up occasionally.


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Nice shots, realbtl. Must be great to be able get shots like that locally. Living in suburbia, we're pretty much stuck to lizards.
Ted- One learns to soak up and store these kinds of sights for those gray, -5 degree, 8 hours of daylight January days. Even then you could never get me back to California.

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