Lurker finally buys Hawk FWC


New Member
Nov 11, 2008
Just a quick hello, I am the proud new owner of a used 2000 Hawk:D This is a pretty basic unit with only bed, bench, small cabinets, screen door and not much else (new porta-potti!). I had been looking at many camping options and was soon drawn to lightweight campers. I purchased this unit a couple of week ago (Craigslist) and have managed two short overnights on some Santa Cruz beaches since then. The camper has the headliner removed and I found a leak at the leading edge and have since fixed it. I visited the FWC facility in Woodland to check out the innards of these beasts and purchased the new headliner material from Stan. I don't plan on going too crazy with upgrades but new wiring, "tractor" lights, solar power, 12 and 120 volt outlets are in the pipeline. My wife is pretty cool... she has new curtains just about done and has sanitized the interior to her specifications. We hope to get it all together by the end December.

My wife and I will be touring the Baja peninsula for a couple of weeks starting right after Christmas. Any input regarding "must do" upgrades is welcome. I look forward to being a member of this most distinguished (or is infamous?;) community!
Welcome and congratulations on the camper. Never mind fixing up the camper, posting pics is way more important.:D Hope to see you on the road.


Welcome aboard Surf and Turf!! Your life has just changed drmatically with the purchase of your FWC..Congrat's!

I for one would be curious to see a shot of the interior roof with no headliner...

Pictures in the works

Thanks for the the warm welcome! Being new to this site (ok, totally web ignorant) I will have to figure out how to post my "before" pictures. The guy who owned this before me made some weird mods to the roof framing. There are what appears to be metal electrical conduit installed to increase (presumably) the roof load capacity. I intend to insulate the roof with Cellotex ridgid foam insulation after re-wiring for fan and lighting. I will keep you posted.
My standard advice is to go camping first before doing a lot of modifications. You'll soon see what looks important and what doesn't. Congrats on your purchase.
Looks like the there are a lot of us popping up around the central coast.

Drop me a line if you want to see the refurbs I have done and are in the Santa Cruz area.
Hello Mike,
Thanks for the offer to take a look at your camper. I will take you up on your offer, just don't know when. It is very likely I will be in your area in the near future as my youngest goes to school there and lives in "Ap Toss" as you locals call it.
We made a bit of headway Sunday afternoon - I removed the bench and placed on the starboard side (window), replaced the vinyl flooring, removed the funky wiring. My wife removed all the covers and washed them (several times) and made them look and smell like new. New curtains drape my favorite chair in the house. Unfortunately work will get in the way of whats really important, so the FWC will just stare quietly up from the driveway that forlorn look only "pets" can:(. By the way the first FWC I saw is in Santa Cruz near the harbor, near SCYC. I ended up talking to the owner - very nice guy.
AKA SurfYTurf - John

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