
Glad the prognosis is good!
You're doing a good service to others, ski3pin, by talking about this publicly. Thanks. :)
Final update -

Boy do I like living in a small town.

But first a ground rule I have learned dealing with the medical system, especially the individuals. I work hard at being a polite and a very likeable person. I pay attention to people's names and ask how they are doing. I show interest in them. I smile. My life could very well be in their hands. I want to be at the top of the list of patients they like.

I have a post op appointment with my surgeon tomorrow afternoon, stitches out, etc. I have been awaiting the final pathology report on the lymph node biopsy.

The physician's assistant with my primary care doc just called. The report just came across their desk and she couldn't wait to call. Boy do I like living in a small town.

The report - no sign of cancer! Yes, yes, yes!
Great news -- you're a melanoma miracle!
Thanks for all the well wishes. I think you all can well imagine how happy the two of us are! This reenforces my reason for sharing this story. Success can be had. Learn about melanoma, get checked, and catch it early.
I'm giving this old thread a bump because I believe its important. We wanderers spend time in the sun and outdoors and melanoma skin cancer is something you want to catch early. I just had my six month check up and had more suspicious moles removed for biopsy but I am confident I will continue to be a success story.

Success can be had. Learn about melanoma, get checked, and catch it early.
Great thread to bump.

I lost a good friend years ago because he did not get "mole" checked. Since then I have had several barnacles cut off, a couple of basal cancers but none malignant.
My family is pretty healthy except in regards to skin cancers. My dad has had a number removed. While I've been checked in the past I'm overdue for another checkup. Thanks for the reminder. Btw, even though I don't really like hats, I wear them now.
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