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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
Please pardon a little personal story and a serious subject.

I have melanoma. I believe that it has been caught early enough that it has been completely removed. I’m very positive about my survival. Melanoma is a bad brand of cancer to go shopping for. It likes to spread to your liver, lungs, and brain. These are organs that I want to function at their peak level just as long as possible.

I am a calm, patient, optimistic, and positive person. I get news like this and I want to know the next step, what are the best options. News like this, I have found out, scares the living crap out of friends and loved ones. Kind of makes me feel cared about and loved but also makes me feel a little like a heel for adding stress, worry, and concern to people I deeply care about.

I have learned much from I have talked with professionals among my network of friends and associates. I’ve been doing my learning. They all tell me, “Thank god you caught it early!” I had a big patch taken out of my back and several spots removed. All the cutting has not been fun but is a very very small price to pay. “Wow, look a zipper!” and “Who put the load of buckshot in your back!” comments are great reminders how fun it is to be alive.

I am told that I am at low risk that the cancer has spread. My research confirms this. So the Lady can sleep at night, and that is a priority, we are going ahead with the next step to see if it has spread to the lymph nodes with a sentential node biopsy, just as a safety check.

I am sharing this because I will be a success story and I want you to be too. Learn about melanoma. Get those moles checked. Be diligent. Catch it early. There are too many adventures ahead for all of us. Let's stay around to enjoy them.
We are holding good thoughts for you, Ski.
Thanks for sharing. I would guess most of us are at an age where health issues can trip us up. I appreciate your proactive example.
Wow I hope the best for you! And thanks for sharing with us it's easy to get complacent about these things. You just might save a life!
Ski, Good of you to share with us. I am confident we will be camping together well into our old age. :D
Thank you for posting this. My very best wishes to you for a complete and full recovery.
Yes, that is bad stuff.
I have a distant family member who has that behind his eye and will lose that sight. Don't know how you could ever get it there.

My dad always had those "spots" cut off of his back. He never wore a shirt in the desert sun - Called them "barnacles"...Also told me "it's hell to get old".

Sending lots of positive thoughts your way, and I'll bet you are right that you are/will be a success story. I'll just repeat what others have already said - thanks for keeping us informed and educated about this serious subject.
I have a family history of skin cancers, all my uncles, my dad, have had cancerous lesions removed. Kind of makes me wish I could see my own back better. I try and see a dermatologist yearly just to be safe.

Glad to hear they got it all and got early. Scary stuff.
Ski, I have been frequenting this Forum A LOT for almost one year (at least that what my girl friend tells me and she thinks its too much .. what does she know) You continue to contribute even during what has to be a very serious time in your life. This certainly speaks to your character. Thank you for this post and all the others. It sounds as though their will be many more to come! My thoughts are with you.
Healing vibes.

wear yer sunscreen out there, kids.

thanks for sharing such personal news. Everyone here should contact their dermatologist and go in for a
"full body search".:LOL:

Healing vibes.

<snip> Everyone here should contact their dermatologist and go in for a
"full body search".:LOL:


Change occurs slowly. Get out your digital cameras and take pictures and use them for baselines. Be assertive with your medical care folks. My primary care doctor thought this was nothing, but I have a great relationship with him and we went ahead with the original biopsy to "be on the safe side."

The same holds true with other cancers such as breast. Just learn to pay attention. Be on the safe side.
Sunscreen is a great idea, even better now that they have the sprays that you can reach your back with a little contortion. Much better than the creams if you have to apply solo. They work great, i missed a spot. Looked pretty funny for a couple weeks :cautious:
All of you are showing, once again, the character and class possessed by the people who hang out at Wander the West. Thank you so much for the kind thoughts and well wishes.
Ski, Good of you to share with us. I am confident we will be camping together well into our old age. :D

You bet Ted! You will have a starring role in many more trip reports to come.
I second the suggestion of a whole body check. I had a melanoma removed from the bottom of my foot a couple of years ago. Sun exposure is not always the cause.
Update time. I am a success story. I had surgery yesterday and had lymph nodes removed from both armpits after a radiological procedure to pinpoint where to look. Pathology report showed no cancer. The removed nodes will be more thoroughly checked over the next few days as a double check. The doc's report is that I am 97% out of the woods. Yes!!!

As a couple have said here, melanoma can show up unrelated to sun exposure. This was my case. I am part of a group where my moles are prone to change into melanoma. I must be diligent and I will be. If you catch it early, you can have success. Please do.

I'm a bit sore, all this was a surprise and a pain in the butt, but so what? I like being alive and happy and plan on doing so for a long time to come.

Get checked.
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