My biggest beef with my FWC...

Thanks Stan, Ben, Jim and everyone for the suggestions for me.

I'll pull the front off to check the lines first. Then I guess I just need to give it a shot filling it up and have plenty of towels and buckets nearby. Good tip on flushing with some disinfectant.

- K.C.
Hello Thomas Tierra

you wrote: >

Yes, I think we have a box of them out in the shop we use for repairs on older campers.

Just call Chicali in our service dept. if you would like to order one.

CHICALI 800-242-1442

Yes, having a 3rd leg would help some too.

Yes & No for the "L" shaped couch. My older Grandby had the "L" shaped couch, but the portion of the couch that folded out was not part of that "L".
You should be fine with the long, straight couch once you beef it up.

Another idea to consider ...

I have seen a few people go the the local hardware store and purchase some pipe, screw in pipe base, and small rubber cap for the end of the pipe leg.

They will screw / mount the pipe base to the botom of the couch.

Then when they are ready to set the couch/bed up, they just screw in the 2 pipe legs. It is crude, looks kinds goofy, but seems to work well and is very solid !

I tried to find some pics of this set up, but none to be found ?

Hope all this helps

I am working on a re-design of the couch||bed for my recently acquired 2001 Hawk; we (and the previous owner) have had similar problems with the legs, plus I want to slightly reposition the thing to add more clearance beneath when in couch position and more walking room when in bed position.

I'm right now in the AutoCAD stage. When the design got to the building stage I was going to take pictures and then report the results in the appropriate forum.

Look for a report within a month or so...
Back to the overflow hose

I checked the hose last night and it is as high within the space as it can be. Looks like the method will be to top the tank and then drain off about a gallon.

When you top off the tank, you should really only have to drain off about a quart of water at the most. When it squirts water out at you when you are filling it, the fill hose and vent hose are full of water and that is what leaks out as you start driving.

If you drain just enough to clear those hoses, you should be fine.
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