Mysterious Metal Monolith Found In Utah

buckland said:
This just in......... Copies or the original just popped up, in Romania
OK, with Romania now part of the story, maybe reconsider any 'alien' connection - could be a different kind of weirdness involved: Romania is the home of Dracula. Couldn't the monolith be a Draculean coffin - set on end?
Just sayin...
Not sure why (I mean of all the things I have forgotten ....why remember this?) But I remember that episode!
The end of the monolith............................

Leave No Trace

a witness posts on instantgram. In regard to its removal - I'd expect Earl to say, "Now those were local boys."

Leave no trace. I like it. :)
Bingo... I bet that will keep on popping up as folks are desperate for COVID entertainment.
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