Nevada - Close to Home

Wandering Sagebrush said:
Are you happy with the 11-16/2.8?
I noticed some nice w i d e shots in your blog, Ski. And the speed of the 2.8 will definitely get you out at night.
Lot's you can do with that new glass!
Glad you were able to visit Ft. Churchill. We visited in December 2010
I enjoyed your photos more so, since I have also photographed the ruins.

Glad Plan A worked out, but I must say you piqued my curiosity with Plan B :oops:
Lighthawk said:
Glad you were able to visit Ft. Churchill. We visited in December 2010
I enjoyed your photos more so, since I have also photographed the ruins.

Glad Plan A worked out, but I must say you piqued my curiosity with Plan B :oops:
I'm thinking we threaten him with two weeks in the electric chair if he doesn't share it with you and me :ninja: !! :D
Well, you did council Ski with your Sage advice on his recent lens purchase. :p
Maybe you can get him to cough up a few clues.
Nice night shot there, Ski. Did you notice the Andromeda galaxy just to the left of center above the cemetery arch? Your pic picks up a fair bit of the galaxy's disk. Cool.
highz said:
Nice night shot there, Ski. Did you notice the Andromeda galaxy just to the left of center above the cemetery arch? Your pic picks up a fair bit of the galaxy's disk. Cool.
Highz, yes I did notice it, especially in the full size file. Cool! Thanks for the id.
Thanks for another wonderful account, Ski3pin. Wonderful country, great photos. Yes. Nevada in winter is quite special, even when it has way less snow than usual.

Plan Bs are a very good idea.
Glad you were able to visit Ft. Churchill. We visited in December 2010
I enjoyed your photos more so, since I have also photographed the ruins.

Glad Plan A worked out, but I must say you piqued my curiosity with Plan B :oops:

You get the credit here Lighthawk. We had been through the area many times but never stopped. It was your trip report that put it on the list. Thanks!

I'm thinking we threaten him with two weeks in the electric chair if he doesn't share it with you and me :ninja: !! :D

Come on guys, think of enticements and not punishments. :D

My Mom always said, "You can catch a lot more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. "

She used that saying so much Dad started to add, "What do we want with a bunch of flies/"
ski3pin said:
Come on guys, think of enticements and not punishments. :D

My Mom always said, "You can catch a lot more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. "

She used that saying so much Dad started to add, "What do we want with a bunch of flies/"
Growing up around our house, it was "You can lead a horse to water...", followed by "and then you have to drown him.". I guess we were a vicious lot. :D
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