No Destination : hoyden and two dogs hit the road full-time

mitch h said:
I miss the days of riding dirtbikes out of camp Cadiz.
I didn't start riding dirt til a few years ago (and I still suck). It's painful cold here right now, but supposed to warm up in a couple of days to the 50's. Wishing I had my (any) motorcycle to ride for a couplea days here.
Tuff Guy 62 said:
Yep, I know what you mean. Living on the the central coast we don't have to contend with lil' nasty arthropods. Worst I ever had to deal with were midges a couple of years ago while in Scotland.

Hmmm...I noticed that your profile still lists you in Prescott, AZ. I think you may need to change that up abit.

Looks like you're having a blast and wish you safe travels.

Hi TG!
Midges sound really annoying! Whoa!

Oooh, checking out the profile now.
Changed! :-D
Identity Crisis

Before I left on this journey a friend of mine asked me, "What's your job? Everyone has a job so go do that!" Of course, he did not mean an office job. "What's my role here? What am I here to contribute?"


(LaRue Pine Hills)

This is a thought that rumbles around my head often. Currently, I travel, I write, I take photos, I care for two dogs. But what am I contributing to a larger community? I've considered many ideas: volunteer with pet rescues as I travel, do a day of meal-on-wheels in towns I pass through... but this kind of 'job' that my friend asked of me I don't think is something one can choose. You can't point to a thought-bubble and say, "X is my passion" - unless X truly resonates in your body. This 'job' isn't a logical 'this seems like a Good Thing To Do' idea. It is more of a calling. A contribution that drives you to action. An identity.
Is living by example enough? Does pursuing your passion fit into that idea?


(along IL-127)

How does a writer decide to identify as "writer" vs "teacher"? Or a "photographer" instead of "administrative assistant" What drives a person to pursue a craft vs. falling into the security of a jobby job? Somewhere along the road I lost that motivation. Once upon a time, I was "an actor." Now I'm an "IT Monkey" or "I work in IT", but I've been a published writer. Where did that contribution, that passion, that calling go?

There's this idea of the "aha!" moment, an epiphany changes your life. At least it happens in movies. Quitting one's job to go live a footloose life on the road is such a romantic idea, and it really is romantic and joyous and beautiful and enthralling. But it's also stressful, and exhausting, and often uncomfortable. Will I have a movie-worthy aha! moment during this odd and random adventure? Or will it simply be a series of interesting road-trips?
Sometimes answers come in quiet ways, unexpected ways. I'm not much into aha moments or movie script senerios. I enjoy the learning to listen part of life. Someday I hope to be good at it.

Thanks for your post tonight as the Lady asked this evening, "Anything new from our girl?"
You can be a "Yes wo/Man" like Jim Carrey for a year. :)

Why struggle with self identity? Your job doesn't define you as a person.

Live in the moment (like animals do).
Enjoy each day to the fullest.

You're already giving back with your writings.
I agree. Do what makes you feel whole. I used to go to the Humane Society and pet the pups. I've volunteered at numerous places that I like; Best Friends, Botanical Gardens, etc., etc. Giving back can mean many things to many people. You aren't causing anyone any pain, suffering, etc. so in many ways, that's giving back; your not taking anything away from someone else! That probably doesn't make much sense but I guess giving back can mean you aren't taking it away!
I'm sorta old, I'm retired. Sometimes it seems I've lived a few lifetimes in this one. I've traveled and lived on the road and worked odd jobs and steady jobs. I've gone hungry at times. I've bicycled in 28 states and fished in nearly as many. Gotten married and raised a son. Compared to many I've traveled a lot and done things they can only dream of. But compared to some others I haven't done diddly. Life happens. Don't sweat it. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up!

Thanks for sharing!
Thanks all for the comments! I think I'm still trying to figure out "what do I want to be when I grow up?"
A friend of mine sent me this TEDTalk in response to that question:


This used to be a working soda fountain.
In high school, we could drive out to Pomona for a malted or a gen-u-ine root beer float.



When my grandparents died, we planted trees for them at the Unitarian Fellowship.
Time passes, trees grow. Nothing endures but change.


Turn and face the strange.
Tomorrow, I go back on the road.
Lady Bug, work is what you do to live, you don't live to work. I'm certain you'll find that passion that drives you, is the reason you get up in the morning, and you'll grab ahold and swing it by the tail. Enjoy a little peace and quiet as you parse through the candidates, have some fun seeing the country, love on the fur babies and don't let things grind you down. Give yourself some slack...
Not back on the road! Ice storm! Whoa. I tried to refill my mom's bird feeders this morning, but the tops were frozen on!
Lady Bug, that is what we here in Oregon refer to as a 'Silver Thaw'... Since it makes a person freeze their tail off, if never understood the 'thaw' part :p .
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Lady Bug, that is what we here in Oregon refer to as a 'Silver Thaw'... Since it makes a person freeze their tail off, if never understood the 'thaw' part :p .
and ow.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Lady Bug, that is what we here in Oregon refer to as a 'Silver Thaw'... Since it makes a person freeze their tail off, if never understood the 'thaw' part :p .
Is that like what they've been talking about on the news? The golden... never mind.
kmcintyre - HA! (and that's all I'll say on that here ;) )

Frank - I left Carbondale (southern Illinois) yesterday, and drove about three hours north to Springfield to visit some old friends. I'm in Springfield now, all snuggly and warm. Doggies and cozy and happy. Today my friend I'm staying with and I went to the Lincoln Museum. It was GREAT! More on that, and pics, soon! We just got back from dinner and drinks and I was surprised by a decent peaty French whiskey that was very scotch-like. But I ate far too much and now I'm somewhat food-coma and warm in bed so sleepy time for me very soon.

I forgot that tomorrow is a holiday, but hopefully we can get my truck front left quarter panel area checked out and make sure my headlight isn't mal-directed from a bodyshop friend of my friend.
I don't care much about the aesthetics (tho would like to get it fixed cuz I dislike loose ends and I banged this up on Thanksgiving. der) but I think the headlight isn't performing 100% and that's lame.

Honestly, I'm pretty tired of the wet and cold and kinda want to high-tail it somewhere warmer and drier.
It's supposed to get very rainy and potentially icy here tonight, but forecast also called for ice rain today and it never really materialized.
But I'll probably still head East-ish on Tuesday.

Gotta get my dice out.

New posts - WTW

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