Non-denominational WTW Rally 2014


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
craig333 said:
...long before FWC got involved we did rallies the old fashioned way. Hey, I'm going to be at so and so, anyone want to meet up?
Yeah...what about that? :unsure:

DirtyDog used to be a driving force behind WTW rallies...but that was then, this is now.
Some folks have organized, or tried to, various small get-togethers over the past couple of years....

I'd like to see someone suggest/promote a big, non-brand-specific, all-WTW rally this year! :)

UPDATE: It's gonna happen -- see Rally thread here.
I'll go*
*As long as I don't have a conflict. Can's believe how busy I can be retired.

I also have been thinking about this for a while. To the point where I recently asked DirtyDog if he would be interested in something like this if I could get him a loaned camper. Not for lack of interest but for lack of time off it doesn't work for him. Still the idea of a good old fashioned WTW rally is possible. And besides Bill, at least one person that will be attending the FWC rally has expressed a similar interest to me.

So, while not offering to organize said rally, I would like to see one happen and would be interested in joining it. I truly miss the sharing of trip stories, camper modifications, food and drink, and just making new friends that the rallies provided. That is why we are attending the FWC rally. Some organizing thoughts do come to mind. Typically WTW members tend to prefer boondocking. But I am concerned about the environmental impact of a group camping at a location without facilities. So do we boondock or get a primitive campground? I can think of a couple of locations for either way. Where do we locate it for access to the most members? Just a weekend or a midweek trip? I ask these questions with the hope that the discussion alone will lead to a plan developing.
Does it really need organization? What If I said, for example, "Eureka Sand Dune, May 3rd-5th" or "Cathedral Gorge S.P. campground, Oct. 10th-12th"? How much more organizing does it need to have? Having never organized much less attended such an event I'm naive about what has to happen behind the scenes.

With the rules about organized group sizes I think a certain amount of disorganization is a bonus.
The Sierras in the summer are just about perfect. Need to find a dispersed camping area and they are getting harder to find. There was one loosely organized in Kirkwood area not long after I got my first Hawk. I had conflict and could not attend. I agree a certain amount of disorganization is a bonus. I have camped with a group every year in the Sierra for the past 45 years, one year the FS gave us a hard time about a permit. Permit required over 20 people. We got the permit for 5 years and every year got a visit from the FS, some hassle each time. Stopped getting the permit and have not had a problem. Our group runs just around 20 +/- a few. If over 20 we have two camps (wink wink).

There have been a few open invites for meet-ups of WTW folks in the past couple years, events where someone posted "Hey, I'm gonna be here on this weekend. Anyone want to join me?" I've done that myself and enjoyed it.

But what I'm talking about is a WTW rally something like the two I attended:
-- the one in October 2010, which got its organization started with this thread: October 2010 and became "official" with this thread: WTW October Pork Rally
-- and the one in October 2011, October Black Rock?
And there have been others -- before my time or that I couldn't attend.

One reason for a little bit of "organization" is for WHEN -- to try to pick a date when most people (who want to) can attend and/or a date far enough in the future that people can plan their schedules to be free then. No date will work for everyone who wants to attend, of course...but a little polling well in advance will improve the odds.

Another reason for a little organization is for WHERE. Like, if most of those interested in getting together somewhere live in northern Calif or Oregon the "where" probably wouldn't be near Anza Borrego. Or if there was a lot of interest, the "where" probably shouldn't be a regular individual-site campground that will be too full on a weekend.

The 2010 Rally was kinda formally organized because group food was prepared, so attendance needed to be planned in advance and limited...maybe the location also set a size limit?

The 2011 Rally required less organization because no group food was happening, and it was located at a big primitive BLM campground in kinda the middle of nowhere with little risk of being too full.

If this idea seems to have real interest we can move this topic to Trip Planning or start a new one there.
We could be tempted (with not much of a push).
If it were to work out.
Like Bill seems that being retired still eats up your time.
Don't know how we did all the things we did while still working.
Keep us posted.
We might be interested too if we're not booked and are flexible generally for either mid-week or weekend (retired). We're in Boise that may be our deciding factor if it's too far away.
as some one who is not to group happy i would consider
a get together that would include more than show and tell
enough of that on the inner net!

one idea would be to have a location ,example june lake ca.
area when fishing season opens,that people at their leisure
could stop by stay as long as they want,take off for a days fishing
hiking into upper lakes streams etc,or just hang out.

interested people could then post here the dates they might be in the area.

in my case if no one showed i would still get my fishing in! :p

just my thoughts yours may differ.

I like the idea of for more than just a show and tell. It can be fun to explore areas in a group and/or hang out with like minded people. If people gave shout outs to informal or formal rallies I would definintely try to make it.
We would certainly be interested, but due to most of my "really need to be around for work" being the summer (I am in wildland fire management) October would be the best for us. But, if not this year, then another!
I think Les has a good idea. Sometimes I'm not group happy either but stopping by and doing what we like to do in the area would be good.

Retiring soon and I too can see that the days could be just packed. Being a crew leader volunteer and sawyer with the Tahoe Rim Trail I will have more time to spend on the trail. I have missed a lot of weekdays due to work. Summer will go fast with a couple of trips out of the country for us.

But if time allows and I see where people might congregate, I would not mind stopping by and harassing fellow WTW'ers. Maybe even give slide shows from recent and past trips.
Does it really need organization? What If I said, for example, "Eureka Sand Dune, May 3rd-5th" or "Cathedral Gorge S.P. campground, Oct. 10th-12th"? How much more organizing does it need to have? Having never organized much less attended such an event I'm naive about what has to happen behind the scenes.
Like Mark said, those things happen occasionally and work out well. But in that case individuals are still doing their own thing during the day and happen to camp in the same location at night. In the previous rallies the group would travel to destinations or explore as a caravan, and often meals were done kind of like a pot luck.

I would be interested in something a little further north. SE Oregon, North Nevada or CA.
Steen's Mountain (SE Oregon) area has intrigued me for a while. Owhyhee River (NW Nevada) area has a lot of potential also. And Lassen NF (NorCal) has a number of lakes for a kayak/canoeing focused group.
Steens is pretty awesome (we've backpacked in Fall) and there's a campground there near Blitzen (I think that's it) and are headed to the Owhyees next weekend but the that area is huge.
There are four campgrounds at the Steens, Page Springs, Fish Lake, Jackman Park and South Steens. The first two being the most popular. There are also a few back country spots, but nothing that would handle large numbers. Quite a bit to do in the area. Late July, early August have seen us back packing, mountain biking, telemarking, fly fishing and just enjoying life. The east side has a variety of things as well.

Another spot that is interesting is down at Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge.
I'd really enjoy joining a get together like this especially to meet lots of the folks I've interacted with here on WTW.

Unfortunately, I'm guessing that most of you folks are located within a few hundred miles of the west coast and would understandably want to have the rally convenient for most prospective attendees.

Those of us in NM or CO, or the few even farther east, would have to be able to plan well in advance to dedicate the time to travel, assuming we had the time and were interested in making the effort for the trip.
Definitely interested. I really wanted to make the Black Rock trip. October sounds good. Most all the areas mentioned would work for me. Unfortunately its most likely going to be weekend only (unless work gets really slow again).
chnlisle said:
How about KOFA? Good for CA, NM, CO AZ. Or TheNorth Rim.
Anyone going to
I never seem to have the desire to venture out of CO but I'm thinking it is time to broaden my horizons.
Middle to end of May including Moab, SE Utah, Expo and the North Rim.
I keep reading about these areas.....guess it is time to go while the snow melts here.
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