NOOOOO! ! ! !

Hi Mark and all, I heard that Twinkies were selling for $100 a case over here in Ontario Canada. So you better hurry Mark before they attain the status of Gold. :D
Cheers, Banderswipe.
Help is on the way.,0,2355592.story
Gee may be my "cynical"remarks about union busting weren't that far off.
For all those people who bought "investment" Twinkies good luck.They aren't going anywhere.

Yep-just saying on the tv that Twinkies and the parent co will be broken up and the parts sold to other companies including one on Mexico-so your twinkies are saved! And yeh, the break up was caused by a union busting take over by a Bane type outfit that bought it, make a bunch of $, then told the unions to take a cut or the''ll the bankrupt the company, and sooooo--the unions went on strike and we almost lost our beloved twinkies. All this sound familiar ? :eek:

Yep-just saying on the tv that Twinkies and the parent co will be broken up and the parts sold to other companies including one on Mexico-so your twinkies are saved! And yeh, the break up was caused by a union busting take over by a Bane type outfit that bought it, make a bunch of $, then told the unions to take a cut or the''ll the bankrupt the company, and sooooo--the unions went on strike and we almost lost our beloved twinkies. All this sound familiar ? :eek:


Smoke I didn't realize that Bane was involved.Boy it just gets better and better.
Smoke I didn't realize that Bane was involved.Boy it just gets better and better.

"Bane Like"--but it makes a good story-doesn't it:eek:!

For all those people who bought "investment" Twinkies good luck.They aren't going anywhere.

"Buy the rumor, sell the news"
Smoke the "Ed Show "on MSNBC was just talking about what you said earlier.

I was just watching it too when he said it was coming up-but had to turn on the 49er game so never saw it (may watch it on the late showing after the game unless in opposite the "Dust Ball" on PBS--nothing surprises me anymore! Small scary world isn't it?

I was just watching it too when he said it was coming up-but had to turn on the 49er game so never saw it (may watch it on the late showing after the game unless in opposite the "Dust Ball" on PBS--nothing surprises me anymore! Small scary world isn't it?


Watch out Mark, seems like the talks with the unions have failed or are failing, maybe need a winter trip or two to get better after this latest example of our fine capitalist system failing again! Yep the job creators doing some more fine work for us normal folk.

Watch out Mark, seems like the talks with the unions have failed or are failing, maybe need a winter trip or two to get better after this latest example of our fine capitalist system failing again! Yep the job creators doing some more fine work for us normal folk.


Thank you Smoke,yep aren't they great.
Go camping that's the answer.As a friend of mine Arlo Guthrie says"if you die now ,but go later the stuff that pisses you off won't bother you...".
Happy Thanksgiving to all from the "GROUP "W" BENCH".
Our long national nightmare is over...I've seen Hostess Cupcakes in the supermarket again! :D
(Twinkies are back, too, but I don't care -- I've never been a fan of those...I think news stories covering this crisis focus primarily on Twinkies just because people like to say the funny name :rolleyes: )
When I worked as a route salesman for Frito-Lay,I would start my day together with the Hostess salesman and we would trade goodies.
My favorite was the raspberry filled,powder donuts.Not that good for you but they sure tasted great.
Not that I eat any of that anymore but nice to see them back.
I made the mistake of reading the Nutrition list on the package. Now that I know I can get my entire daily allowance of fat from just a package of mini donuts. They are tasty though.
craig333 said:
I made the mistake of reading the Nutrition list on the package. Now that I know I can get my entire daily allowance of fat from just a package of mini donuts. They are tasty though.
A nutrition list on this stuff is kind of comical. All it shoud say is, "Nutrition, absolutely none. Eat it because you like it. Not because it's good for you."
I got mine!


Note the Comeback-celebratory packaging. :D
Ted said:
And were they as good as you remember?
As good?...Well, yeah...they were the same. :D
No, they can't compete with the gourmet cupcakes that became so popular the past few years...but they're available everywhere and reliable. ;)

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