Oct 21 - 24 Group Utah Campering Gathering

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Early w.t.w.ers from the Utah state capital dome!

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All the best riding it out Clikerf8. Hope to meet you on the next one.
Finally out of the rain here, between s.l.c. and capital reef.
Hard to decide what to see in time allowed, with so much to see.
But heading up to fish lake tomorrow, capital reef Tuesday/ Wednesday, than v.o.g. Thursday.
Stopped for a walk in downtown salt lake. Well worth it. Gorgeous capital building, cathedral and grounds

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I'm in Logan, UT visiting a friend. Heading out tomorrow to start a slow meander towards Valley of the Gods! Woot!

Sunday (tomorrow) I'm headed to Mystic Hot Springs ( http://mystichotsprings.com/ )
then Cathedral Valley, Goblin Valley, see if Mars is open outside of Hanksville, then down to VotG by Thursday.
Storm? What storm? Thursday had us worried what with sheets of rain and gusty winds, but since then, phhhht. Nada. Typical rainy PNW. Next time, it's come he11 or high water. You folks have lots of fun. I guess we will head down the Oregon Coast and see what agates the gravel beds have.
It's looking like I might not make it to the meet-up until Saturday, but not to worry, I plan to be there in plenty of time to prepare my recipe for NM chile 'n' beans for our pot luck; I'll bring some flour tortillas, too. I'll also bring some firewood.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all and getting back to southern Utah, as it's been so long (almost a whole month.)

For those of you traveling who might not have checked the trip report thread, here's my recent Utah blog posts in case you need some ideas or updates on destinations:

Part 1: Moab Canyonlands - Corona Arch, Potash Road, and Shafer Trail

Part 2: Hidden Splendor and Cathedral Valley (Capitol Reef)

Part 3: Waterpocket Fold (Capitol Reef) and Burr Trail

Part 4: Hell’s Backbone Road, Spencer Flat, Natural Bridges, and Comb Wash
clikrf8 said:
Storm? What storm? Thursday had us worried what with sheets of rain and gusty winds, but since then, phhhht. Nada. Typical rainy PNW. Next time, it's come he11 or high water. You folks have lots of fun. I guess we will head down the Oregon Coast and see what agates the gravel beds have.
Manzanita had a tornado touch down, lots of campgrounds were closed along the coast but all in all it was good to drive through the storm. Enjoying some sunshine in Morro Bay now.

Watch The Whales?
Wash The Windows?
Water The Willows?
Wander The Willawong?
Wear The Wig?
Warm The Wigwam?
What's Thee Wearing?
Wobble The Wheels?

Hope you guys are having a great time.
Have a great time folks. We are still at home but trying for Monday departure. It looks like a swing into Eastern WA, eastern OR, then up the coast for us. Looking forward to reports.
Hello from denis and Carol,
Was good to meet you folks in VoTGs. Got back to sand island and involved with bird watching. Decided to stay since we leave early Sunday for Paria and then Zion.

Feel free to send PM for a hello.

Hey Paul! Wobble the Wheels! Haha!

kmcintyre, clikrf8, and Tuff Guy: hi! Thanks! I'm looking forward to posting my pics and seeing everyone else's too!

We had a fun pot-luck this eve, star-gazing, and some great tall-tales.

Tomorrow some of us go check out Moon House. Should be interesting!

Denis and Carol! Good to meet you two! I love these random camper meetings! Safe travels and see you online, if not in the desert :)
What a great time! and to echo allanb "Great folks. Great food. Great views."
I'll post a trip-report soon. Still in recovery mode :)

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