Official News, Burning Man is Extinguished

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
The local news had photos of people kayaking the Black Rock Desert playa. There's a foot or two of water covering the area. Maybe it won't be so dusty this year :p .
I was so excited when I saw your post title, could it really be true? The black rock desert was saved!

A tease, my friend Mr. Sage, a tease.
ski3pin said:
I was so excited when I saw your post title, could it really be true? The black rock desert was saved!

A tease, my friend Mr. Sage, a tease.

Pray for rain, pray for rain... Only, not so much in Oregon...
This is going to be one of those years not to take that short cut across that grey looking flat next to the road. I mean it is wet and dangerous out there right now and carrying a kayak on top of the pop-up might not be such a bad idea ;) ! Just look at all the problems they are having at Lemon Valley right now-100 year floods and all!

Yeah but at least at the time they said it wasn't going to be used for the festival. Sounds like they think it'll be dry by August.

But if it isn't they're prepared :)

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