Opinions on keeping rear FWC logo


Advanced Member
Jul 7, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
When I purchase a vehicle the first thing I do after bringing it home is to remove the dealer’s cheesy license plate frames, and then take a hair dryer to heat up and remove any dealer stickers on the back. I didn’t spend $$$$ to drive a rolling advertisement for a car dealer.

I am of two minds about what to do with the FWC logo sticker on the back of my camper. As I read many threads on this forum to learn about the FWC campers it seems like many owners like the logos and I saw a couple of posts about trying to locate older logo stickers for restorations.

Looking at the photos posted on this forum I would guess that maybe 70% or more owners keep the logo stickers on the back.

I do like the design of the logo itself, but what I don’t like about my sticker from Jackson Hole is how large and dominant the phone number appears. It seems a little over the top and more of an advertisement than a logo.

I am curious to hear what others think.

Completely agree with you. I'd remove it and maybe add the much more discreet Wander the West label recently offered here.
Totally agree...it should be removed. We also like the logo and take every opportunity to show the camper to interested folks. Looks like that dealer got a bit carried away and turned it into something very tacky. The smaller ones are very distintive even from far away. No need for size 80 font.
+4. the old one was just ok.

Removed mine, it was faded, looks much better without it. I wouldn't mind a smaller decal, still have the side decals.
I removed mine but put the WTW decal on ...All the folks that stop me and ask I am proud to tell them it is a FWC and how cool it is. Anyway... I like putting my own stickers on... like The Arctic Circle!
Remove them. I remove stickers from everything and do not where anything with logos. I do not get paid to advertise,

I removed it. Too big. I left the smaller ones on the sides. I also removed the "TRD" (turd?) decals on my Tacoma and part of the "Tacoma" lettering on the doors. The name of my truck is "TACO".

- Bernard
Thank for all of the comments. Now I'm thinking about replacing the rear sticker with something a little more fun. It would be great to see some examples from forum members.
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