Oregon to New Mexico - 2 weeks, 4,000 miles, and 100 pounds of dog hair

Mill Creek Campground just south of Battle Mountain, Nevada. Run down, but a convenient place to stop with basic amenities:



Back to Oregon:
After two weeks on the road I was ready to be home to a warm bed and daily showers. It was a great trip, even if the weather ranged from cold, high winds, all the way down the spectrum to blizzards and deep freezes. I survived, saw a lot of great stuff, and have the satisfaction that I have conquered another state.

Bonus - name that beer:

And until next time:
Dang Aaron !!!
your one lucky SOB. Looks like you and Dylan's bud Diego had one fine time. The pics look great, but ya gotta get rid of them running boards. :eek:
Thanks for all the pics. I've been to some of those places a dozen times, but your pics are better.

FYI, if anyone ever wants suggestions for primitive camping in SE UT, just PM me. I've been down those roads too many times to count.
I've been waiting for this trip report and the pics. I figured you'd have some places to add to my "wanna-go-there" list, and sure enough, that's the case. Thanks!

I'm in trip report heaven tonight. Good stuff, stunning pics!
Laughing hard at Diego's new quirk. Classic. Thanks for putting that together.
"Hated by many, loved by few" Would that be a bottle of Fishermans Brew?

Well.... we like your dogs! If you were one of my local buddies you'd get a swift kick in the nuts to snap you out of this.
I'd also like to point out that I took an extra lap around the campground to get that uranus photo for you fisherman SO YOU BETTER ENJOY IT AND EAT MORE FISH
Well.... we like your dogs! If you were one of my local buddies you'd get a swift kick in the nuts to snap you out of this.

Gees, what did I do now, a kick in the marble bag I could live without.
I'd also like to point out that I took an extra lap around the campground to get that uranus photo for you fisherman SO YOU BETTER ENJOY IT AND EAT MORE FISH

A reminder, I will fight back, and I have a well equipped arsenel of weapons at my disposal. I've been crusing Youtube. Dog, I could keep you up all night.
DD, once again you have out done yourself! Excellent photos. Looking forward to New Mexico myself in the very near future. Probably the first part of May. I'm hoping for a little warmer weather.:thumb:
Superb everything!!! I will favorite this one to follow your footsteps... Spirit wants to meet!!!:D

Be well, Ara & Spirit
Awesome pics and narrative DD. It's nice to camp vicariously when one cannot really camp as often as they would like. Noticed the windows/partitions around the picnic tables at that state park in Utah? Was it really that windy there?

Great write up and photos. Makes we want to ake off as well. where was the pic "back to oregon" taken? Very nice. SE oregon? Gotta love that area,
Dave in seattle

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