Oregon to New Mexico - 2 weeks, 4,000 miles, and 100 pounds of dog hair

Very sweet.

I was confused on the burro sticker thing though. Was that burro dead? Was the stick places on a dead one as a joke or what? Confused... :confused:
Very sweet.

I was confused on the burro sticker thing though. Was that burro dead? Was the stick places on a dead one as a joke or what? Confused... :confused:

No it was a young one and was just lying on the ground chillin.
No it was a young one and was just lying on the ground chillin.

Do you know any more back story about why some of them choke? That tidbit caught my curiosity...
Do you know any more back story about why some of them choke? That tidbit caught my curiosity...

Nope sorry dont know any more about that. Pretty cute critters though, I think I'll get one.
Nope sorry dont know any more about that. Pretty cute critters though, I think I'll get one.

Right on. Yeah when we were in NV a few years back we had one come check us out and found it humorous.
Thanks for sharing. Wife and I are going to Utah in a few weeks.

Double D.
This is my rookie year as retiree and that gives me the luxury of waiting for good weather and the full moon to do SE Utah, but the nights probably will be cold. Did you determine the problem with your furnace? That's just rude to wake up to no heat and fresh snow. Were you able to make the entire trip on one bottle of propane?

Appreciate the tip on primitive camping near the Goblins. We will check it out.

Did you determine the problem with your furnace? That's just rude to wake up to no heat and fresh snow.

I had a propane bottle that I estimate was over half full when I set out. Due to the consistent cold weather, I ran out about a week into the trip. I had it filled at a propane dealer in NM by a guy who was super pissed that I came in 10 minutes before they closed. He didn't open the bleed valve when he filled it. I'm not sure if that makes a difference but I'm wondering if that allows air to enter and remain in the tank? That is the only thing I can think of. The propane quit flowing that night and I thought the tank was empty again. Filling it again (properly this time) revealed I was over half full and it worked fine after that.

Conclusion: I really don't know.

I bow down to and applaud your photography DD. :thumb:

Passed a link to this thread on to a few of my non-FWC owning buddies because it was so well done. They raved about it as well.

Just awesome - :cool:
We've been there

It so cool to see the pictures of Berlin-Ichthyosaur. The last trip my wife and I made during our old camping days late last year was to this place and other ghost towns like it. We drove from the Bay Area to Elko down through the Ruby Mountains to Ely basically in the dirt (via the Nevada wild life refuge) over to Cherry Creek campground (south of Ely and very cool) and back to California via Berlin-Ichthyosaur area. Early in the morning, we even saw wild horses out in the desert on the way to Cherry Creek. Last stop was Levitt Lake up on top of Sonora pass (My favorite place).

This kind of adventures is why I bought the ATC.

Oh by the way, fishing season stars in 2 weeks.


Great write up and photos. Makes we want to ake off as well. where was the pic "back to oregon" taken? Very nice. SE oregon? Gotta love that area,
Dave in seattle

That is Doherty Summit on Highway 140 in SE Oregon. Famous hang gliding spot.
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I think sharing the trip is almost as fun as the trip itself :)
Atta Boy & Photo Size

... I think sharing the trip is almost as fun as the trip itself :)

Great write-up DD, as always, we enjoyed it very much. :thumb:

I agree with the sharing comment...we've almost got a write-up complete to post and are getting ready to upload photos to the gallery. It looks like the maximum photo dimension you used was 900 pixels but the attachment information still gives 750...is it 900 now? Is there a new max .jpg file size too?

I agree with the sharing comment...we've almost got a write-up complete to post and are getting ready to upload photos to the gallery. It looks like the maximum photo dimension you used was 900 pixels but the attachment information still gives 750...is it 900 now? Is there a new max .jpg file size too?

The new gallery feature in your account takes the 900 pixel images and I believe the new mac is 280kb per photo

More info:
Thanks Dog


I'd just started to upload to the new gallery and found the information...was headed back to edit...but you're too fast for me! :eek:


New posts - WTW

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