our new toy


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2007
wa state
Well finaly broke down and got a newer truck :) to replace our 89 f250 with over 380000 miles on it. Took a bit of looking around to find what we wanted, didnt want to upgrade camper too. so newest we could go was 96-97 ford , so finaly found one that we liked and was in good shape, its a 96 f350 4x4 with a 460 and automatic, and Centurion conversion, post a couple of pics of it, but still playing around personalizing it, and waiting to have the bed rhino lined , oh also need a name for the new rig, can't call it ole blue like old truck


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Looks like a nice clean rig. What kind of mileage is that older 460 going to pull off you think?
havn't had the camper on it yet but is getting around 12mpg used to that old truck had 460 also, didn't make a difference loaded or empty

oh also need a name for the new rig, can't call it ole blue like old truck

How about "Young Blue" or "Junior" for a name?

That is one sweet truck. :thumb: My prior truck was a 97 F250 SD with a 7.3 PSD, still I think the 93-97's are the best looking.

I used to own an 89 F 250 4x4. It had a 460 in it. We used to joke that it could pull the house off our foundation and down the road if we wanted to. But for the gas mileage, and the overall condition of the truck, it got about 11 to 12 mpg. That was towing or not, loaded or not, going up hill or down hill, up wind or down. Even when the truck was turned off or just idling, it got about 11 to 12 mpg. Still, it was my favorite truck I ever owned.
that is the reason I stayed with the 460, the power:D, yes you guys with the diesels have the power also, but it costs alot less to work on or replace that gas engine, if I bought the truck brand new might been a different story diesel vs gas, but used truck dicided to stay with the gas engine, can go long ways on repairs considering what a turbo, fuel injection pump , and parts for diesels run. Yes it be great to get more than 12 mils to gallon, but knew that when I bought this truck, and willing to give up mpg for power

Hey guys still looking for some ideas on name for new truck
SO how do you get 12 mpg out of a 460??? I have 2 '95s - 1 is a diesel & the other a 460. The 460 never gets over 10 & as soon as we throw something in the bed - doesn't matter wether it's 2 lbs or 2000lbs it drops to 9.5 mpg. As soon as we hook up a trailer - doesn't matter wether it's 1200 lbs or 12,000 lbs it drops to 8 mpg. The diesel will get 10.5 mpg towing 10,000 in 4 wheel drive in the mud over Kebler pass & on a trip to Utah last week loaded with 5 people, the camping gear & canyoneering gear etc... for 16 people I got 18 mpg. I've had both trucks for a lot of years & I'd have to say that your right with the overall total cost of ownership being very close to the same - I just wish the 460 got that elusive 12 mpg - afterall that would be a 20% increase in mileage which would correlate to a 20% decrease in my fuel bill.
well I am definately NOT a mechanic, so I must just be lucky. I do know math and I did check my mileage constantly. For all the years I owned my old Ford (Sandy, cause she was solid tan) her gas mileage never changed. Didn't matter what kind of gas I put in her, or how old her spark plugs were. I did take good care of her, by taking her in for tune ups every 5000 miles.
The one thing that did scare me about her was the size of her carburetor. It looked like I could loose a small dog in it!!!

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