Phone photos


Weekend warrior
Jun 22, 2010
Nevada City, CA
Come on, all you photo snobs! :eek: :p :eek:

With all our equipment and lingo like ISO-aperture-back-button-focus-gobbilty-gook it's a big turn off. Not everyone has a 36 megapixel with a 600mm / f4 lens, but everyone has a phone.

So . . . let's have a phone gallery, even lurking tablets are allowed. No megapixel comparisons here!
Heck, I even see pro photogs offering iphone photo workshops these days.

I'll start with a few teaser shots from last week when my camera batteries gave out mid-hike in DV.

If this idea is successful, I propose the admins create a new topic thread.
May your phone/tablet/camera/force be with you!
Andy I like the idea but how do I post?
I have tried but all I get is "photo" to large.
I wanted to post from our Barcelona trip while
here but no luck. Will have to wait until I get
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Sent from my iPhone using Wander The West
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Andy I like the idea but how do I post?
I have tried but all I get is "photo" to large.
I wanted to post from our Barcelona trip while
here but no luck. Will have to wait until I get
Easiest way is to just post from your phone using the wanderthewest app.
Great idea for a thread- for us non-photographers. ;) I'll add some- virtually all my photos are shot with my iPhone.

From our recent trip to Utah:

Lupine in Minnesota:

This one is Aldo Leopold's shack in Wisconsin:

I especially like the panorama feature on the iPhone. Another shot from Wisconsin:

I really like the lupine shot, takesiteasy.

Thanks, admins fit approving the new pinned topic.
It looks like it will be useful to get more of our members interested in sharing their images.
Great idea, Lighthawk!

The best photos are those that actually get taken. As the magic moment with the light right is fleeting, that cellphone camera may be the best photo taken. At Mt. Rainier this summer, my wife got a great shot of the mountain with her phone while her geek husband rushed back to the camper to get his DSLR and the professional photographer in a nearby campsite there to photograph the mountain was distracted by breakfast. Both completely missed the prime moment.

Hoping to see some more great photos appear here.

Great idea for a thread. More and more I take shots with my phone for immediate sharing and leave the dSLR at home.

Here are a few that still reside on my S6.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Wander The West mobile app


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It appears that Lighthawk's idea is a winner, so we have pinned the thread to keep it in the forefront.

Let's see those phone and tablet images :)

I'll play. Here are a couple from my recent New Years trip to Saline.

Part of my tarp awning blew off in the evening

Magical fog up towards Steel Pass/Dedeckera Canyon

Truly a special event in Saline.

Up on Lippincott

The sad reminder of lame humans on the Racetrack

Ubehebe and a snow capped backdrop

Sunset on the Panamints/Cottonwoods
Super shots, ETAV8R!
Rainbow over the Palm Spring is truly exceptional conditions.
We saw a bit of rain there ourselves, over Xmas weekend.
Lighthawk said:
Super shots, ETAV8R!
Rainbow over the Palm Spring is truly exceptional conditions.
We saw a bit of rain there ourselves, over Xmas weekend.
Yes! What a rainbow. :)
Lighthawk said:
Super shots, ETAV8R!
Rainbow over the Palm Spring is truly exceptional conditions.
We saw a bit of rain there ourselves, over Xmas weekend.
I felt very lucky to have been there for the rainbow. I just downloaded the pics from the SLR. Sadly the rain was moving south through the valley and the rainbow didn't last long least for a photographer. I am glad I decided to get up out of bed and poke my head out to see what was goin on that morning. Needed a 16-22 for the entire rainbow with the SLR, the 24-70 wasn't enough to get the whole thing in frame.
You can always take multiple shots and merge them, even hand held.
Just make sure you overlap up to 50% and leave lots of room to crop top and bottom too.

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