Photo & Attachment Explanation

Yes. Now that I go back to the change avatar page, it doesn't have a button to actually upload the image. You can browse, get a URL, whatever, then it doesn't upload. I am trying to figure out how I changed the image to begin with.

After messing with it for a while, I think it is the 10KB requirement that is hanging up the upload, or at least keeping the upload from displaying. When I take a photo down to the required size (or 120 X 90), if I try to get the KB count down far enough it becomes garbage - well, worse than the original. The present avatar is 84 KB in size and displaying. Go figure.

Hmmm. The avatar magically changed when I reloaded the current page. Wouldn't show any change on the change avatar page.
I staying with the current avatar. I like it and it took too long to upload to change it now.
But y'never know I may have a free 3 hours soon.
The present avatar is 84 KB in size and displaying. Go figure.

Actually its 15kb. The avatar images get cached by your browsers when you upload new ones - I can't help that. You can always clear your cache.

We aren't putting people on the moon here boys :D
We aren't putting people on the moon here boys

I sometimes feel it might be easier. Thats why they invented tequila so it's all good. Like every girl that ever dumped me said Its not you DD it's me.
Welcome from the Sea of Serenity on Luna. You are right DD, it is the tendency of the browser to cache the entire page that makes it seem like the avatar doesn't change. Reloading the page while on it seems to get the avatar to show correctly. Or maybe it was the offering I made to the gods of the internet that did it.
I am having trouble with the bulk uploader feature. I saved the pics to a file and zipped it and it failed telling me that the photos failed to upload please contact the site administrator for help. I figured 12 meg was too high so I sized all of the pictures down and zipped them and it was a little over 6 meg and the pictures were all 300kb or so and it still failed. I then separated it into two separate zip files one at 3 meg and one at just under 3 meg and tried to upload them separately and it still failed. Is there a trick to uploading using a zip file and the bulk uploader that I don't know?
I am having trouble with the bulk uploader feature. I saved the pics to a file and zipped it and it failed telling me that the photos failed to upload please contact the site administrator for help. I figured 12 meg was too high so I sized all of the pictures down and zipped them and it was a little over 6 meg and the pictures were all 300kb or so and it still failed. I then separated it into two separate zip files one at 3 meg and one at just under 3 meg and tried to upload them separately and it still failed. Is there a trick to uploading using a zip file and the bulk uploader that I don't know?

I haven't used that so I'm not sure what's going on there. I'll see what I can find out.
Is it ok to post previus trips? How about thse not in areas listed, such as Texas, but not Big Bend Nat Park.

Is it ok to post previus trips? How about thse not in areas listed, such as Texas, but not Big Bend Nat Park.


You bet hog we'd like to see some trips from your neck of the woods.
I'm getting an error after successfully loading (one by one, s l o w l y) photos to my new Labor Day Gallery.
Tried to use zip files, but size constraint makes that not useful. So, I load one photo, get directed to the gallery, click to load one more, then browze, then upload. Repeat and rinse. Sorry, this is a bit frustrating, but I do want to share my photos with WTW.

Back on subject: Now after half a dozen upload cycles, I get a blank screen after hitting 'submit', the URL says: I tried opening a new window and starting over, but same error. Hmmm?
BTW, my browser is Firefox running on an Imac.



Attachments are not resized

Attachment total file size per post is 500k - so thats 3 photos totalling less than 500k or one photo of 500k or less.

Attachments are displayed as thumbnails and open full sized to whatever dimension they were uploaded as

In my view, the gallery is better for things like trip reports because a user can create an album for a particular trip which will be of interest to other users to browse the albums outside of the trip report thread. Also searching for photos will be valuable for users. Since gallery photos embeded in posts are full sized, trip reports can be posted with inline full sized image which is a format many prefer (but takes a lot longer to load).

Attachments are good if you want to upload very large images (detail shots of campers, schematics etc) that will be initially displayed as thumbnails so the page isn't bogged down with a bunch of huge images. Or if you want to have your trip report photos in thumbnail format, this is the method to use.

Configuring attachments this way results in more choices on how to format photos in threads.

Hope that clears up some confusion.

Having trouble uploading photos?
If you are having trouble uploading photos, please report IN DETAIL what problem you are having and if you got an error message - what it said.

I'm not at home, so don't have the files on this computer, DD.
I processed them to a medium sized file, I believe. What's interesting is that some of the images went up just fine, then suddenly error messages. Is there a maximum storage per gallery I wonder?

Lighthawk, what is the file size of the photo you are attempting to upload?
I'm not at home, so don't have the files on this computer, DD.
I processed them to a medium sized file, I believe. What's interesting is that some of the images went up just fine, then suddenly error messages. Is there a maximum storage per gallery I wonder?

I dont think so. Can you post a link to the gallery you are working on? Do you know how many photos you have uploaded total?
Uh, this one:

I think I got at least half a dozen shots uploaded before it stopped accepting them.
I can try again this evening.

The following errors were found, please correct them:
You are not allowed to post images in this category so there is no reason for you to create an album in it.

The following errors were found, please correct them:
You are not allowed to post images in this category so there is no reason for you to create an album in it.


I'm not sure what you were doing but if you were trying to create an album you can only do that in your personal gallery, not in the general galleries.
The following errors were found, please correct them:
You are not allowed to post images in this category so there is no reason for you to create an album in it.


I decided to go back and close this gate. The picture upload process (as of 25-Feb-2012) might be a little bit shaky, but if one adheres to a strict procedure it can be done fairly easily. These are the steps i have found to work reliably:

1. Create an 'album' for your picture(s).

a. First go to "My Gallery." do that by selecting the appropriate option from the drop down menu at the upper right of the WtW Forum page:


b. You will need at least one album in your gallery. Begin the process by clicking the "New Album" button:

c. Now select an appropriate "Category." For personal pictures, equipment, and general non-geographic images, select "Members Gallery":

NOTE: DO NOT select "--Anything Goes" as this will result in the error message described at the beginning of this post.

c. Name your album, select whether to make it public or not and create it.
2. Once you have verified you have in fact created an album in your user gallery, you can upload a photo. In the illustration below, I have chosen to upload a picture called, "New_album.jpg" and have captioned the pending uploaded picture, "New Album."


NOTE: Even though the window advertises, "File types allowed: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif" it is advisable to limit the file type to *.jpg, or errors may result.

3. Now that you have uploaded pictures to an album in your personal gallery, you have a chance to add them to a post.

a. One way to do that is to open a second browser window (or tab) with WtW selected. The result should like something like this:


Note that one window should contain the post you are developing while the second window contains an album from your personal gallery where your intended picture post is located.
b. Locate and click on the "BBCode" dialog beneath the picture you want to include. It should look like this:

c. Copy the highlighted BBCode into your post. You should now have posted a picture.
Mark W. Ingalls invited me to post here my version of a photo-uploading/posting "how to", one that I put together a few weeks ago to help a WTW Member.
The process is the same, just different words here and there. So here it is:

In the approach I'm describing, you create a Member Gallery on WTW then upload your images to your Member Gallery on WTW, then you copy and paste a link to that image in your posts.

[This first part describes uploading a zip-file (or other "compressed" file) of multiple image files. I then describe how to upload a single image file.]
Near the top of almost any WTW page you can click on the "Gallery" link, which will take you to a page that looks like this:

Click where the arrow points, which brings up a pagethat looks like this:

Click where the arrow points, which brings up a page that looks like this:

Enter the name you want for your Gallery Album where the arrow points, and click "Create Album" at the bottom, and a page that looks like this should appear:


except that you won't see these photos 'cause this is one of my Albums. If you have a zip file of a bunch of images to upload, click where the arrow points, which brings up a page that looks like this:

Click where the arrow points, which brings up a window that looks like this:


except that it will be looking at a folder on your computer and it may look different on your computer...and you need to navigate to wherever your zip file of images is, then select it and press whatever button is appropriate on your computer, which takes you back to this page:

and this time click on "Upload Zip".
If this works then a message should pop up saying "Image(s) successfully uploaded", and then you'll be transferred to a thumbnail view of the images in your new album, that looks similar to this:

[Uploading single image files to a Gallery]
If you want to upload individual images to your Album, then instead of clicking on "Bulk Upload", on your Album page, click on New Image:


Which brings up a page like this:


Click where the arrow indicates, and select the image file from your computer using the same procedure as for the zip file, which should return you to:


You can enter a "Caption" -- a title -- for the image, but that's optional. Then click on "Submit Image". If it works you should see a "...successful" message and you'll be taken to a page that has that one image.


HOW TO paste an already-uploaded image into a post:

Open your Member Gallery (or a Gallery for a geographic area) Album of thumbnails, similar to this:


Click on the thumbnail, or the title, of the image you want to paste into a post. Then, when a page with that image comes up, look down near the bottom of the page, like here:


See the long-wide box labelled "BBCode:" Select everything in that box and "copy" it.
Then go to the post you're writing, put your cursor where you want the image to appear, and "paste". It will look similar to this:


You won't see the actual image until you post (or "Add Reply"), unless you click on "Preview Post", which is a good idea.

OK, that's how I do it.

Let me know if you see an error or if you have any questions about my explanation.
mark i am glad you posted your very good description of how to load pictures.
this makes me realize why i gave up on trying to post pictures anymore.
as a old guy i really like all the information that is available on different sites,and i notice that they all
have a somewhat different way to load pictures.
since i do not spend much time on the computer,and sometimes go weeks without using
it i realize that it is just not in my dna to become comfortable with the process to
try and load pictures on the occasions that i have something to share.
i do not know if i am the only one that has mental block,but from the lack
of pictures being posted i don't think i am.
so i guess the point of my reply is that maybe someday sites will become aware
that if everyone had the same way of posting there would be more input by members.
i say this because i use craigslist on some occasions and have no problems loading
pictures on that site maybe someone could explain why one site is easy and another is so
complicated .
i went back and counted 13 steps in your detailed layout to post! drug/aaa rehab is only 12 steps!
now back to my 3rd cup of coffee this morning!
drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
You could always use a service like photobucket. Its free and works on all sites. Not hard at all to learn to use.

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