Photo Uploads


Ouch, that stings!
Nov 25, 2013
Carmel, Indiana
I did find an old post that was started by Dirty Dog, but I'm not smart enough to understand the process. Could someone give me easy to understand steps. I want to be able to add photos:

1. During the build process and of some of my mods.
2. Trip Reports

Am I correct that I will want to open trip reports and upload all trip reports in that file? Do I need to lower the PIX on the photos? I have good Nikon with removal lens, and a Sony that I can send e-mail quality photos with lower Pixel.

Thanks for assistance.

longhorn1 said:
I did find an old post that was started by Dirty Dog, but I'm not smart enough to understand the process. Could someone give me easy to understand steps. I want to be able to add photos:

1. During the build process and of some of my mods.
2. Trip Reports

Am I correct that I will want to open trip reports and upload all trip reports in that file? Do I need to lower the PIX on the photos? I have good Nikon with removal lens, and a Sony that I can send e-mail quality photos with lower Pixel.

Thanks for assistance.

John,I place my photos to desktop at a medium size. Than when you want to place photos to a post you need to hit "more reply options" that will bring up the photo attachment you need.
It's really simple.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
John,I place my photos to desktop at a medium size. Than when you want to place photos to a post you need to hit "more reply options" that will bring up the photo attachment you need.
It's really simple.

Thanks. Can't wait until FWC sends me some build photos.

There are two ways, two approaches, to insert photos in posts on WTW, and they produce different results/appearance:
  1. In the approach that Frank referred to you upload the photo directly from your computer to the post, using the "Attach Files" dialog at the bottom of the Full Editor:
    A thumbnail image appears in the post, which the viewer needs to click on and then it opens up to full size.
  2. In the other approach you first need to upload the photo to somewhere on the Web -- here in a WTW Gallery or somewhere else, such as one of the photo-sharing sites (e.g., Photobucket, Smugmug, Snapfish, etc.). Then in the post you use the Image tool -- one of the icons in the tool bar above the text window -- with a link to wherever you uploaded your photo:
    The full-size image appears in the post, no clicking required (though you can, and it opens the pic in a separate window).
Approach 1 is simpler, but with a couple of significant disadvantages: There's a tight limit on how many bytes of image you can upload per post (500 kB -- maybe only 2 or 3 good-size images per post, maybe only 1 if it's not compressed much) AND the viewer has to click on the thumbnail to see it at a usable size.

A lot of people (including me) use the simpler Approach 1 for posting a few pics to illustrate a camper modification or problem, but use the more-complicated Approach 2 for inserting photos in a trip report, because it creates a "nicer" presentation that doesn't require clicking on each pic.

I created an illustrated "How To" explanation for this -- mainly Approach 2 -- a while back, but when WTW updated their software it changed how links to a WTW Gallery image work, so my explanation needs to be updated. I'll do that soon.
Thanks MarkBC for helping with this explanation. I know you get paid big bucks for your time to help out! (Yeah, sure). :D

I appreciate it!
craig333 said:
I use photobucket and don't use the image tool, simply paste the link.
That kind of pastable link-that-just-works was how the WTW Gallery used to be, too...but not anymore. :(
Test link Photo

Did not work with picture ICON button above text area. I am trying to paste directly. Maybe it does not like picassaweb.

I am going to try BBCode what ever that is.

trailrider said:
Did not work with picture ICON button above text area. I am trying to paste directly. Maybe it does not like picassaweb.

I am going to try BBCode what ever that is.

If you use the Image icon in the WTW posting toolbar then what you paste into that dialog box has to end in ".jpg" -- it has to be a URL that links directly to an image.

What are the various options listed under "Share" on the Picasa page?
trailrider said:
Did not work with picture ICON button above text area. I am trying to paste directly. Maybe it does not like picassaweb.

I am going to try BBCode what ever that is.

What I do - and my browser is firefox

on this page -
right click in the center of the photo, choose "copy image location"
In the post reply box on WTW, I use the photo icon by left click and I paste the "copy image location" in the box that pops up.

ski3pin said:
What I do -

on this page -
right click in the center of the photo, choose "copy image location"
In the post reply box on WTW, I use the photo icon by left click and I paste the "copy image location" in the box that pops up.
Yep, that's a good way. When you right-click on the image it may say "Copy image URL" -- that's what it says in Chrome, anyway...same thing as "Copy image location".

With most photo-hosting sites (such as Photobucket, smugmug, etc.) they have a convenient script/text to Copy for each image, code that you Paste directly into your WTW post (without using the Image icon). Maybe Picasa doesn't offer this...?
I do not like how the links worked out. It links to my album instead of just an individual picture. I choose to go the attachment route.
trailrider said:
I do not like how the links worked out. It links to my album instead of just an individual picture. I choose to go the attachment route.
Did you try what ski3pin suggested? Using that method inserts an individual picture.

The attachment route is fine, except for the 500 kB limit, which can get in the way...
This is what it looks like with Safari... Same procedure as mentioned by Mr. Ski3Pin, different wording.

Right click on image, click on 'Copy Image Address'

Screen shot 2014-08-20 at 2.37.05 PM.png

Click on Picture Icon, Paste address

Screen shot 2014-08-20 at 2.38.32 PM.png

Submit post...

trailrider said:
I do not like how the links worked out. It links to my album instead of just an individual picture. I choose to go the attachment route.
If you click on your photo in my post (#13) and in Wanderings above it only brings up a larger photo. It does not appear to link back to your personal photo album, at least for me.

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