Plan to sell off public land

Yep Buckhorn -seems like there is allot of debate out there-second thought maybe not debate-more like belief that they-the Sage Brush Rebellion bunch and the Bundys' are right and it's their land and to heck with the rest of us that love and use "our" Public Lands. Funny though, if you watch TV here in NE California-its from Reno-a purple state, there are allot of ads that say come to Utah and visit our five NP's (put out by the state of Utah) and is usually followed by another one (by a group of recreation organizations) telling you how great Bears Ears and other NM's and public land in Utah are and please come and visit them. I have not seen any ads in favor of the Sage Brush revolution or to give the land back to the states. It even seems that while the Trumpers are wanting to use PL for their mineral resources they are still in favor of retaining public land and that seems to contradict what the sage brushers say.

So we are back to that same question again, will we let them take it from us without a fight. No-I hope. Most of the media I see here and what I read on the net is pro Public Lands (maybe I'm in that famous bubble), but do you guys have a feel of what they are saying and doing in other places-states-countries? We even have a resistance here in town-yep and they like their public land too (includes, Dems, Republicans and Independents -so maybe there is hope). Maybe that next FS or BLM land planning meeting will be full for a change; our wonderful local congressman (runs the house public lands cmtee) will not have any more open meetings with his district anymore! Well attend those meetings, watch what they do and maybe call for help and we can work together to help protect our public lands. Sorry if I started to rant there for a moment :unsure: !

One tragedy after another...seems to take pride in undoing things.... rather than actually doing good.
Call the Interior Department 208-433-5000. Also contact your congressman.

Trump is ramming this through in 45 days.

For point if reference both Death Valley and the Grand Canyon National Parks were first set aside as National Monuments. I'm deeply grateful for our National Parks, sometimes referred to as America's Best Idea.
Lighthawk said:
Call the Interior Department 208-433-5000. Also contact your congressman.

Trump is ramming this through in 45 days.

For point if reference both Death Valley and the Grand Canyon National Parks were first set aside as National Monuments. I'm deeply grateful for our National Parks, sometimes referred to as America's Best Idea.
If I am not mistaken, a large force behind the effort to reduce the size of the Parks and Monuments is coming out of San Juan County, Utah. In a previous comment, I believe I mentioned that an economic impact is the only thing that would really be effective. In addition to calling the parties that Andy mentioned, I recommend you call elected officials in Utah and tell them what you think. I will still visit the state, but I am not going to spend a dime more than absolutely necessary until this hogwash is dealt with.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
If I am not mistaken, a large force behind the effort to reduce the size of the Parks and Monuments is coming out of San Juan County, Utah. In a previous comment, I believe I mentioned that an economic impact is the only thing that would really be effective. In addition to calling the parties that Andy mentioned, I recommend you call elected officials in Utah and tell them what you think. I will still visit the state, but I am not going to spend a dime more than absolutely necessary until this hogwash is dealt with.
3X that and call the Interior # Andy cited! These guys have their minds made up and the only way to stop them is to make more noise than them; we stopped them last time and we can only hope to do it again.


Just off the phone with the Office of the Secretary of the Interior in Washington DC ..... This is what I have sent out to 60 friends who will call..... if you are interested:

For those interested in still doing so, you can call the number I have used to leave a message or speak to a staff member of Secretary Ryan Zinke concerning the latest executive order on rescinding of the protections put in place by numerous previous Presidents.

I called 202 208 3100…. don’t listen to the options….press zero (0) to get the operator and ask them to connect you to the Office of the Secretary … you will be given an option of recording a message or waiting in queue.
Good work Buckland!
I just called and left my message with the Dept of Interior.

I second the suggestion to contact reps in Utah to stop the land grab.

Recreation dollars far outstrip temporary mining jobs and don't lock out the public (that's us!)
Here is a post I copied from FB by a fellow named Dan Ranson who lives in Utah and it's a nice history lesson:

"When Bill Clinton designated Grand Staircase National Monument in 1996, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch was furious. He called it “the mother of all land grabs” and threatened there would be “hell to pay.”
Sound familiar? It is the very same language Trump used when he signed his executive order yesterday.
Feeling a bit of deja vu, I thought it might be fun to revisit how this exact dispute was resolved nearly two decades ago.
In 1996, the State quickly filed two lawsuits challenging the monument. The first accused the federal government of violating Public Law 103-93, which outlined an exchange of certain lands within the State of Utah and the Federal Government.

The second, filed by SITLA, challenged the designation of the new monument, arguing it reduced earnings from mining and grazing on trust lands.
At stake was 176,600 acres of state land, and nearly 25,000 acres of mineral interests – all within the boundaries of the monument. These trust lands were granted at statehood by the federal government to Utah for a very specific purpose – to provide economic development for public education. The management objectives of the Monument would come in direct conflict with the development of those parcels.
It took two years of negotiation and compromise, but a resolution finally came in 1998, by way of the Utah Schools and Lands Exchange Act. It authorized payment of $50 million in cash to the state, and swapped 377,000 acres of trust lands with 139,000 mineral-rich acres outside the monument, land with an estimated development value of up to $1 billion.
This result was nearly universally praised. Federal agencies, local politicians, even conservation groups all applauded the effort. Sen. Bob Bennett proclaimed “this should be a model for future land swaps.”
To underscore just how successful this land swap has been, SITLA has generated almost $1.7 billion in revenue, which has contributed almost $320 million to Utah schools over that same period. It is no coincidence the timeline of that growth closely parallels the establishment of Grand Staircase. That land swap directly contributed to massive growth in the Permanent School Fund.
Today, we have a nearly identical opportunity. There are 109,000 acres of SITLA land within the boundaries of Bears Ears National Monument, and President Obama specifically called for a memorandum of understanding between State and Feds to outline the terms of a swap in the official proclamation. This is exactly the type of compromise the citizens of Utah should be pushing for.
But there is just one wrinkle. That resolution in 1998 that proved to be so beneficial? It required the state to drop their lawsuits challenging the legality of the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument.
Yet here we are, almost two decades later, and our representatives are hoping nobody remembers."
My concern is the deck getting stacked against open land... especially if it makes it to the Supreme Court. There has never been such a sweeping change in the federal court, justice dept and dept of interior all at the same time... a building perfect storm. I sincerely hope "it will all work out" in the end with compromise.... that word.. "Compromise" seems to have become a dirty word.... though my reasoning may be fallacious.
Charlie, thank you for posting the history lesson...................and thank you to our concerned members here for making phone calls.
Interesting! Just playing the game. Let's hope the environmental laws and processes and all our phone calls, letters and emails slow this down a bit, until all the lawyers get involved and hopefully all of Trumps executive orders then just become words on a piece of paper and not fact. Just saw Trump signed another one opening up the arctic and east coast to more energy development. Ahhh, another step in our mad rush to return to 19th century and the time of the robber barons; oh where, oh where is our Teddy R to save the day? Or is that us!

Speaking of the beloved-ed TR,there is now serious talk about rethinking the "Antiquities Act" and a bunch of National Monuments are being looked at here in Ca.
The Carrizo Plain and the Marine area off the central coast is being looked at for changes.
Where will it stop.Don't the "rich' robber barons have enough?
The proven fact that tourist $$$$$ get more out of the same area that "extraction of "stuff".
Time for pitchforks and torches.
I don't know about you guys but for me, just to watch the pres and his rich friends on tv, signing these orders on the stage of the main DOI or EPA auditorium and acting like what a wonderful thing they are doing (probably thinking of all the $ they are going to make) .They make a mockery of everything those organizations and the environment stands for. I just keep thinking how I would feel if I still worked there and was ordered to be there and have to watch maybe things you had worked for your whole career being signed away! And they act the part, reminds me of watching certain dictators in Korea or Turkey as the leader tells another lie and they smile and clap in unison! I'm sorry, this is such a farce, but Teddy better show up pretty soon-more letters to write.

Here is another article which talks of the many sides of a big issue,

Smoke ... I know how you feel... it is very disheartening watching an assault on the protected. It is as we know, easy and fast to destroy something and difficult and time consuming to create. I have a hard time watching the news anymore (tho I do)... he is such a cringeworthy person. Having taught 13-14 year olds for 30 years, I am used to watching the thinking process of an immature mind ... the kids have an excuse...they are acting their age.

New posts - WTW

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