Popcorn Please


Fire Proof
Jan 3, 2007
South Shores California
Thought I might share with my fellow Wanderers some of the negative ju ju that Four Wheel Camper is spreading on ExPo. Normaly I wouldn't say anything but this just plain pissed me off considering how helpful the ATC guys have been over the years here at WTW. Here is the quote on Expo. :mad:

You wont see anyone from ATC spending time each day answering questions about used campers and aftermarket modifications (for free) to people on Expo or WTW. I wonder why ?

Stan, you suck. :LOL:
I also dislike trying to sell product by dissing competitors. If you can't show your product does the job better, faster, more efficiently, etc. then just admit it is a matter of personal choice for folks to decide between ATC, FWC, Phoenix, etc. I don't catch the ATC crowd badmouthing FWC. They leave it to you to make up your mind and they listen to wild ideas you may have. They will also tell you if the idea is just too far out. I like that approach.
Marc, There's a reason I take my FWC Grandby to ATC for all it's work. You just named it.

Presently ATC is re-upholstering all my cushions and building a custom cabinet for the camper.

Marty, Jeff, and Don go out of their way to help anyone who comes to their shop. Their customer service is second to none. They've done several things to my camper at "no charge".

I for one wouldn't waste the diesel fuel to drive to Woodland FWC. One trip there was enough. Had this thread not started, I would have never said a word about FWC and Stan, I would have just kept my feelings to myself and avoided them. For Stan to bad-mouth the guys at ATC is unforgivable. The ATC guys never say anything derogatory about FWC, and in fact recommend them under certain circumstances.

Needless to say, when I replace my old FWC, it will be with a new ATC.
I think you guys are blowing this a bit out of proportion, this is business on the internet and sometimes the internet sucks especially if you don't have a full time web spokesperson to baby sit when this kind of thing happens. The best thing you can do is take the high road, not mention any misgivings about Stan or FWC but instead tell folks why you like ATC, not why you dislike FWC.

I made a post on that thread and in my opinion, it is better than having a witch hunt here. By all means post here, but maybe consider putting on a good showing on the other site. I run a forum and a website, if it were me, I would lock or even delete this thread, it makes everyone look bad. If you think that what Stan said is not so cool, then what do you think other people are going to think? Pretty obvious, yeah?

Take the high road, that is what these campers are made to do after all.

Just my 2 Lincolns.
I like the high road you speak of, kodachrome.

Can't we all just get abong?


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OK I guess I might as well get my feet wet. I just read what Stan wrote and aside from it being really bad policy and major (attacking a kitten with a howitzer) over kill it just isn't true. What is true is how long (5 weeks) it took me to get an answer 2 years ago from FWC vs ATC (10 minutes)on a problem I was having. Because of that experience I took my FWC to ATC when it needed factory work. They were thorough fast and the work was well done.

It seems to me that competition has actually improved all aspects of FWC. They NOW are more inovative and more responsive to the public. When they were the only game in town this was not always the case. It is because of ATC that FWC produces a better product. Its either that or lose business and we all benefit from that.
I like the high road you speak of, kodachrome.

Can't we all just get abong?

A happy face pulling tubes, that's hilarious!
Point well taken.

I totally apologize to the forum and to the guys at ATC.

I will keep my opinions to myself on the forums.

The text from the portal forum has been removed.

My bad.


PS: I have thought more about this over the past few days, and that was bad on my part, what I wrote came out the wrong way. I was venting on the wrong people. I worked with Jeff for a few years, so I know him pretty well and we got along the best we could. I haven't worked with Marty. It just erked me that someone on the forums would recommend one camper over the other when I don't think (guessing here) he has ever had either brand of camper, or hasn't been to either factory to meet us and see what we do & what we make (again, guessing here). I would highly recommend that everyone look at both products and find / choose the camper that they like best & will suit their needs best. Not everyone is going to like me, and I'm OK with that, but I try to do my best each & every day and help people the best I can here at FWC.


Stan, you suck. :LOL:

A happy face pulling tubes, that's hilarious!

Have you ever seen anything >but< a happy face pulling tubes, my friend?

I saw that, Kc....
but I figured the drinking crowd here probably wouldn't notice such things.

however, I knew it would only be a matter of time before some stoner >somewhere< picked up on it.

passing to the left...

Looking at it, I should have rephrased my post over on ExPo, especially what I sent at the time. As I re-read the posts, I realized that I was leaning my response to one manufacturer over the other, which could be interpeted as manufacturer A is better than manufacturer B. I believe this was the catalyst that caused the stir on the ExPo, and started this to an extent. I started in the right direction by directing the fellow over here for information, but got sort of skewed with a poorly written sentance.

I would like to say I am not endorsing anyone, but I have gone through and edited out the line leaning towards one manufacturer over another, as I am just as guilty as the next guy for typing faster than thinking, and not proof reading before hitting send.

My sincerest apologies to those involved.
I don't know Stan. I know he has responded to a few of my threads nicely. Anyone could clearly see in my signature that I was getting an ATC not a FWC and Stan did not hesitate to help, with his opinion when I asked questions and advise to the board.
That said, I have never met nicer people then Don, Marty and Jeff. Those three dudes made my camper and made my wife happier then we have been in a long time. They helped us start another chapter. So far all the friends that have seen my camper have been very impressed and blown away at the workman ship and quality of the camper. But since most of them are poor, I don't suspect they can get one soon. I would only recommend an ATC because of the size of the shop and crew, the quality and personalization that you get there. And these guys genuinely care. I would probably invite them for dinner, but Marty doesn't like broccoli and I love it, and I am not sure I could supply enough food. They work hard and probably have big appetites.
I cant rave enough over my ATC, and will only recommend them. I almost forgot, I DO HATE PEOPLE DISSING MY FRIENDS. There is no need.
Stay high, or stay high on the road, or stay on the high road. :p

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