Public service announcement: generators

Well I gotta say it if nobody else will -- I think we're all talking around the real issue:
Crying Babies!
At 110 dB on that chart they're louder than almost all other sounds known to man! :mad:
...and then there's the smell... :rolleyes:
John D said it well. There are people in some campgrounds whose parents met once at a costume ball and who don't give a fat rat's fundament for anyone else. They aren't all hunters (and I am using that term lightly!). I recall a joke that was current in one place I lived that had many 'hunters' every deer season. The joke went something like "Did you hear about the hunter that was killed when he was following tracks? The train hit him."
All groups may they be campers, hunters, hikers, 4 wheelers have their A-holes in there catagories, I do not know how many times I have pulled into a camp spot may it be a remote boondock or a paid campground and found garbage, cig butts, or unwanted junk left behind (I always pick up anything I can find to haul out a little extra) There are certain people (not just hunters) that just don't care or "get it". I feel that there should be some respect for your nieghbors whether you pay for that site or not, I was at a lake in Nevada in a pay site and some A-hole in a tiny travel trailer started his genarator at about 10pm and ran it all night(not a quiet Honda either) till morning, after my breakfast I approached him and politely asked him why? His answer "My wife and I get hot while camping and we need to run our fan" he had a square house fan in the window! I told him i din't think it was fair to the other campers that want to have a quiet nights sleep and that it was against the campground rules. his reply "I'm sorry but we have to run it" he just didn't get it. That campground is run by the county and they man the front gate during the day so I went to the person up front and told them the situation, they asked the site # and said it would be taken care of, that night at about 10pm on comes the gen. allllll night looooong! He like many others JUST DOESN'T GET IT!
My feelings about generators are the same as most that have posted here - if it is running in a camp where there are others around you, it is a problem. I don't care how quiet or loud it is. If you need to have so many comforts that suck up power, go to an RV Park and plug in. You don't belong in the outdoors.

BTW, same goes for stereos. If you have to listen to music when outdoors, wear ear buds.
Note to Admin:
Maybe this thread should be merged with the previous similar thread...since that's the way it's headed. ;)

Nah I want the generator issue to be separate from the trash issue cuz its a pet peeve of mine. And to clarify: I don't have anything against hunters. It just happens to be hunting season so the woods is full of peopel - some good outdoorsman, and others not so much.
:oops: O.K. I can see where this is going. I won't bring my generator to the pig fest.


No go ahead. Just plan on camping a quarter of a mile away from the keg :D
Nah I want the generator issue to be separate from the trash issue cuz its a pet peeve of mine. And to clarify: I don't have anything against hunters. It just happens to be hunting season so the woods is full of peopel - some good outdoorsman, and others not so much.

Yeah, I know -- I was 95% kiddin...The "X X hunters!" angle in a few posts reminded me: "Hmmm....where have I read this before...?" :D
For the record: I own a not-very-quiet generator, but the only time I've used it -- really just to try it out -- I was in the middle-of-nowhere NV (west side of Toiyabes) primitive camping several miles from the nearest human...
...and yes, I thought it was annoying even though I was running it! :p
I for one, am reminded of Ed Abbey's The Monkey Wrench Gang. In honor of 'ol Ed's spirit, may I suggest that WTWers begin carrying a small bottle of caro syrup or sugar. In the event some inconsiderate arse fires up that generator at an unreasonable hour, well, you know what to do.
When these hunters get up at 4 in the morning and starting up the generators, what are they doing? Do they need plenty of light to put on their make up? :cool:

DD I guess you must be used to putting your make up on without lights. :p
Of course you mean Cammo Makeup, Right? :unsure:
DD, you'll be happy to know that I sold my generator. I'll just idle the truck for a couple hours to charge my batteries up :p
I don't know about the sugar. I read that gas doesn't dissolve sugar and that putting it in the gas tank is just a myth .This is a quote from"Click and Clack"the car talk guys,but the whole generator thing does get annoying after quit hours and even during the day.The French have a word for it #%$#@!* but since i don't speak French you get the idea.Yes there are good and bad in all groups,so don't let some a-hole ruin you trip.Keep on camping.

I don't know about the sugar. I read that gas doesn't dissolve sugar and that putting it in the gas tank is just a myth .

Yeah, sugar does not dissolve in gasoline. But if you could get that corn syrup into the fuel line, downstream of a fuel-filter (if any), it would probably be bad. ;)
Yeah, sugar does not dissolve in gasoline. But if you could get that corn syrup into the fuel line, downstream of a fuel-filter (if any), it would probably be bad. ;)

Diesel might not be good either, probably shut it up for awhile. I dragged a generator with me a couple times to power the microwave and charge the segway but I have since ditched the micro and have ramped up the solar so no need. I guess if you were traveling in say remote Alaska the generator could be a back up if you batteries went bad and you could give then a charge via the gen.
Yeah, sugar does not dissolve in gasoline. But if you could get that corn syrup into the fuel line, downstream of a fuel-filter (if any), it would probably be bad. ;)

Oh, I have no idea on the chemistry. The [joking] idea came from the book which was fiction (mostly?). But if there's a will, there's a way...
So, I pulled into a state park campground one evening, and picked the most remote campsite available. At 9 p.m. an RV pulled in to a site near me and fired up the generator. Thankfully, he turned it off at 11 p.m. That's when the church group down the hill started singing (loudly) around the campfire for an hour. Based on how I felt, I don't think my soul was saved. For sure, it ain't just generators ...
So, I pulled into a state park campground one evening, and picked the most remote campsite available. At 9 p.m. an RV pulled in to a site near me and fired up the generator. Thankfully, he turned it off at 11 p.m. That's when the church group down the hill started singing (loudly) around the campfire for an hour. Based on how I felt, I don't think my soul was saved. For sure, it ain't just generators ...

We were in Furnace Creek in Death Valley, surely not a great campsite, ever, but a motorhome pulled into the site next to us, turned on the generator, kept it running for a couple days, and only emerged to take the dog out. Fun getting back to nature. We did get through Titus before it washed out, with the F150.
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