Here's another thing- You go cranking down the attachment points in the corners of the plywood tub and you risk ripping sumpin' loose.
I have a little 'rattle' adjusted in to my turnbuckles a-purpose... how do I keep the whole mess from comin' off and flyin' down the road?
Jam nuts, that I check.
Sure my camper moves side-to side a fraction of an inch, but at least there's some give between the flexing bed and the (very stiff, non-flexing) camper.
I'll keep this in mind. The attachment points on the camper are going through 5/8 plywood which is not that strong when something is being pulled through it. I'll need to check my clearances if I can glue in an extra piece of 5/8" plywood on the under sided. That or i've got some 3/16 steel plate around I could cut to fit
I want to meet this dude when I move.
I'm sure you will. He has a garage full of fun metal working tools. When you need to stuff a Toyota 22r into a 1981 Plymouth Sapporo he's the man you want on your team.
So how good did the welds that didn't break look?
The non broken welds look great. No fatigue or signs of distress that would lead you to believe they are next. The welds are either a total failure or in perfect shape. This is my first real project with aluminum so I may not be the best judge but I've done a fair amount of steel work and from what I know of that the non-broken welds look good. I tried to take a couple pictures but my camera doesn't do macro very well.
Ok so here is the back side of the front. All insulated and you can see a lot of the welds:
2 good welds.
sorry for the lousy photo but this was the best one. The crack in the weld starts on the left hand side in the middle of the weld. Goes 1/2" left to right and then down to the vertical post and turns again completing the lateral crack.
This is the same broken weld on the bottom with a good one above. You can again see the crack starts in the middle of the weld itself then turns down to meet the vertical post before continuing.
Hope that helps explain the weld failures I've seen. It has only been on posts that connect to the floor pack. Everything above the floorpack looks perfect.