Saline Hot Springs/DVNP/Joshua Tree trip?


Advanced Member
May 8, 2014
Home is where we park it
Hey everyone!

For anyone who doesn't know us, my lady, our dog and myself live in and travel around in our 1997 Dodge Ram 2500 and Grandby FWC and call ourselves the Traveling Trio. We've been bouncing around the USA working and playing, and have been in CA for nearly 4 months and have LOVED every bit of it.


We've finally made it to the central area and are staying in SLO until the beginning of next week (8 Feb), when we hope to wander down to Carrizo Plains, through Santa Barbara, LA to visit a friend and drink a beer, and then over to Joshua Tree.

After Joshua Tree we don't really have anywhere to be for a while, and were thinking of heading up to Saline Valley to check out the hot springs. We've been doing tons of research and talking to a few folks who have made the trek, but considering our inexperience in serious off-roading, not to mention that we'll be driving out into the middle of nowhere with a 19 year old truck that has had it's fair share of issues, we were hoping that maybe someone else from the WTW community might want to make the trek with us or meet us out there? The route doesn't seem all that bad, and part of me thinks the sketchiness of the tales is to keep the common man from going there and ruining it for everyone else. We made the trip out to Verde Hot Springs in Arizona, and from what I've gleaned it seems like the roads are similar.

If nobody else is wanting to make this trek this time of year or around this time, we'd appreciate any tips, tricks, techniques or advice if you are willing to share.

We've never been to this part of California and are incredibly excited. We love the desert in Winter, and we really love hot springs! If anyone else has any other ideas or suggestions on where to explore, we're all ears! I do as much research as I can on here and ExPo, but obviously there comes a point at which I'd rather not be online looking for adventures and instead actually enjoying them.

We have until about April when we need to head back North for work, at which point we'll also want to stop in Carrizo Plains once more to see if there are any wildflowers!

There is no set timeline for this trip. We leave SLO on 2/8/16 and will probably take a week or so to get to JTNP. Our plan is to stay there until we run out of water, which will probably take around a week, so some time around 2/22/16, or roughly the last half of February.

I should add that we plan to head in from the North route and from the recent post on the forum, it seems like the road is still passable and only has minimal snow at the pass.

If there are any HAM enthusiasts in the area or who would love to meet out there, my callsign is KM4KUU - I only have a Yaesu handheld (FT-60) and I'm pretty new, but it would be great to utilize this skill while on this trip to communicate with others.

Its not really 4wheeling to get there. Drive slow, take your time. Wish I could join you.
I was just at SV last fall and I had a blast. Here's a link to my blog entry for this trip. There may be some tidbits of info. you can use.

One thing I should mention is that SV encourages all who visit there to help with the daily maintenance and cleaning of the area and its pools. They have the cleanest camp areas and the most pristine pit toilets you'll ever see and it's because everyone pitches in to keep them that way.

Also, any donations of toilet paper, cleaning supplies, brooms, rakes, etc. are greatly appreciated.

The wildflower bloom is going pretty strong in Death Valley right now. Looks like it's going to be a good year. Check the Death Valley National Park facebook page for updates.
Thanks everyone, yet again these online communities show how great people can be! We will continue to monitor this forum and see if anyone else wants to meet up or had any recommendations!
Nice longboard on top. You should stop in Keeler and check out the "Beach Club" there. Actually, check out everything there, it is a riot. Your board would add to the picture. If you have any issues with your Dodge, stop by, I live in Ventura driving a 96.
Discussion on other Death Valley forums centers around the three Tesla Model S sedans that drove into Saline Warm Springs last weekend, I believe via the south route. Many are discussing using the northern route to get in for the big softball game this coming holiday weekend. In our big picture view, Saline Valley is a very busy place.

Travel safe and have a nice time in Death Valley National Park.
I can confirm the three Tesla S's came in and out of South Pass last weekend. Two of them had all wheel drive and what I didn't know is that they can increase or decrease ride height via onboard controls. Pretty neat. The 2wd did sustain some damage but not much.

I was out there early last month and it was great. A bit cold at night but very few campers. I wouldn't want to be out there this weekend personally. I prefer tranquility.
12valve said:
Nice longboard on top. You should stop in Keeler and check out the "Beach Club" there. Actually, check out everything there, it is a riot. Your board would add to the picture. If you have any issues with your Dodge, stop by, I live in Ventura driving a 96.
Haha! Thanks - I gotta use it at some point! I came out here thinking my 3/2 wetsuit would be fine...whoops. And then every time there are good waves I don't have the cajones to jump out there with the locals, or I don't have wax or some other excuse....sheesh. I'll definitely check out the "Beach Club" in Keeler, I looked at a couple photos online and it looks hilarious! Thanks for offering up the help if we need it - fingers crossed everything keeps going smooth. As long as whats leaking now keeps leaking at the same pace, and the things that are joined stay together I think we'll be alright.

ski3pin said:
Discussion on other Death Valley forums centers around the three Tesla Model S sedans that drove into Saline Warm Springs last weekend, I believe via the south route. Many are discussing using the northern route to get in for the big softball game this coming holiday weekend. In our big picture view, Saline Valley is a very busy place.

Travel safe and have a nice time in Death Valley National Park.
ETAV8R said:
I can confirm the three Tesla S's came in and out of South Pass last weekend. Two of them had all wheel drive and what I didn't know is that they can increase or decrease ride height via onboard controls. Pretty neat. The 2wd did sustain some damage but not much.

I was out there early last month and it was great. A bit cold at night but very few campers. I wouldn't want to be out there this weekend personally. I prefer tranquility.
Wowza! I didn't realize this could be done in a smaller vehicle. This makes me feel much better about making the trek out there. From what I've heard the North route is far easier? Is this true or should we look into the Southern route? We're looking for peace and tranquility too, so not being there for a softball game or anything like that would be ideal!

Thanks again everyone for all the tips and support!
I would not say that one route is easier than the other. This time of year the north route (being 1000 feet higher) could have more snow and ice. But, as I said above, there is talk that both routes are currently being used.

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