Shame on me! (or another screw up!)


Senior Member
May 18, 2007
la quinta calif
After trip to Colorado River i thought this would be a good question to put out there .
What have you done to screw up equipment or trip?
I'll start off with my screw up.After hooking up trailer to move camp i did not do my normal walk around as we were "only" moving a few miles.
of course i did not raise the jack on trailer and of course i ripped it of with in 50 ft.Stopped in Yuma on way home (Harbor tools new jack $20.00) and on our way!.
Lets hear yours!
Drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
Les Lqhikers.
Attempt to lift camper off truck without taking off the turnbuckles. :eek:

I was thinking "This thing must be heavy, the truck keeps going up."
I had our trailer on the back of the van heading to the freight company to pickup our 600# wood stove. As I crossed the rail tracks with the empty trailer all hell broke loose. I had forgot to put the hitch latch down!

That was five years ago and there is still red trailer paint all over the top, middle, and bottom of the rear bumper.

Thank the god of your choice it did not come loose (I did have the saftety chains hooked) and kill someone! Also, no telling what would of happened if the 600# wood stove had been in the trailer.

Mike :eek::eek::eek::eek:
One of our previous campers, which I bought used from a Navy Commander, had a beautifully done repair to the forward top corner. Seems one of the squadron commander’s lieutenants had borrowed the CO’s camper and drove it into the overhang at a McDonald’s drive through. This is where a good CO’s wife does her duty. She intervened and helped the kid get the camper repaired. The CO never said a word about it, like it had never happened.
A few years ago I camped with a group of friends at a nearby reservior. They wanted to try out their recently purchased ski boat. It rained for a couple of days and when it finally cleared up on a Sunday morning it was a real zoo at the boat ramp.

My friends wife, who is even less nautical than I am, frantically jumped out of the truck to get the boat ready when it was our turn at the ramp. No one noticed that she disconnected the winch line and safety line. At the top of the ramp and with the boat over the edge my friend stopped to put his truck in low range. The hull was amazingly loud as it exited the trailer and scraped down the 30 feet of concrete and into the water. Fortunately little damage was done and the boat was easily retrieved.

Somehow the video tape that was "accidentally" erased leaving nothing but verbal anecdotes for future get-togethers.

I've forgotten to close the inside cabinets - makes a nice jumbled mess. The worst was when I forgot to latch the refrigerator - the hissing beer can was bad enough, but the 4 broken eggs made quite a smell. :( It took a few hours to clean that mess.
Someday I'll post the pics of my worst screw up. Not yet. Need a few more years to make sure the trauma has worn off.
Why do I have to keep letting y'all know what an idiot I am? Ok I tried to take out the hydrant at ATC's paring lot. A mere 3 grand in truck damage and none to the FWC. Now can we just stop this nonsense.
aw man..

My dog had a very messy crap back there in the camper once..middle of nowhere desert Baja, on the way there.I guess thats not a screw up on my part, but a most inconveniant occurance.
then of course theres the, left the drain on the cooler open for a long HOT days drive..

I'm pretty sure the Lawnmower man has a good picture and story about a camper woopsie..
My dog had a very messy crap back there in the camper once...

That is the best laugh I had all day.......:D:D:thumb:


Glass bottles of Snapple broken from NOT latching the ref. The list could go on and on and on.................
Not an FWC story..but...

Helped a friend move years ago. As we were calling for a rental truck his dad overheard us an INSISTED we use their old truck bed trailer...

We backed up..and "dad" hooked the hitch up and chains and gave us the "go"....

we loaded the trailer and took off. 2 miles down the road or so we rounded a 90 degree corner...but the trailer didn't...coming off the hitch it bounced a buncha times and somehow popped the chains. (if dad ever hooked em up @ all)

We watched (in that fabled *slow-motion* movie speed) as the trailer careened into a brand new fact..the guy putting it up wasn't more than 50 ft from the spot the trailer went through and had just erected the fence earlier in the day. LOFL.

closer inspection reveled an OLD crack in the tongue hitch.

pulling a trailer has never been the same. Even though the event has caused me to check and recheck and check again before I drive away these days...I'm *still* always lookin in the mirror waiting for the darn thing to come off!

some kinda fun!
Ok MtHi I can top that and Pat get ready to laugh you ass off.

I was hualing my J24 down to Marina Del Rey from The Nard for a race. As I was driving down Ocean Bl in Venice I saw a wheel careening accross the devider and up a hill. I said to my buddy "hey look some idiot lost his wheel". We kept driving to the race location and when we parked... You guessed it. To paraphrase Walt Kelly we have found the idiots and they was us!! Fortunately it was a tandem trailer and our crew members picked up the wheel after witnessing the whole thing.
I've posted this one before

But thought it would fit right in with this thread

Maybe double check the trailer before backing up too far



...What have you done to screw up equipment or trip? After hooking up trailer to move camp i did not do my normal walk around as we were "only" moving a few miles. of course i did not raise the jack on trailer and of course i ripped it of with in 50 ft. Drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
Les Lqhikers.



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I'm almost afraid to say "it coulda been worse" for fear of minimizing someone's run of bad luck, stan ...but yeah...I hope that if I ever screw up I do it like THAT and don't put it through the body of the camper!

Now that the wheels are in motion on a camper and the mind is already "camped" @ many spots (LOL), I've already informed the wife that she has been promoted (?) to being one of those fancy remote cameras for backing. In other words, I told her "I guarantee you'll be getting out *everytime* I back up to make sure don't hit anything" LOL.

Surprisingly...I didn't get BELTED! LOL
I like getting belted by the wife...

Just last weekend we ran up to our local CG with a group and a bunch of kids..( we arrived two hours behind everyone, and were set up before most). In my haste to set up and then chase down the crumb snatchers,I was injured.

I went to stretch a bunjy cord around my table cloth on the pickinick table. I'm a little foggy as to exactly what happened next. "Somehow" the bunji let go( or wasn't attatched) and came from under the table, around the corner and got me square in the nose with the metal end. I came to stumbling backwards into the truck, with little yellow dots in my vision and blood streaming down my chest. CLOBBERED!!!

A nice black eye and sore teeth were my reward. I sustained some sort of cartilage damage, not sure how bad, but it seems to be slowly getting better..


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