Sightings thread

From what I understand the Ranger II (and the Ranger II was the shorter version of the Ranger - there's a Ranger for sale in LA on Craigslist now) became the FWC Eagle. In size it is about the same. Compared to other older FWC's it has a longer cabover almost like the current extended bed cabover. Most Ranger II's came with the "wings" over the rear bed sides and tail lights. The ATC Bobcat and the FWC Eagle are for similar size trucks. I believe the Bobcat is 2" wider on each side for a total of 4" greater width.

This is all from memory so I'd be happy to be corrected.

All in all, they are all pretty darn close.

Thanks Ski.I thought the Ranger II was similar to a Bobcat/Eagle.
Cosmetically, the only differences I know of were the off white siding, dark cabinet laminate and of course the ridiculous wings. Aside from standard updates/upgrades 4WC added over the years (upper storage cabinet, propane & water level monitors, etc) they are basically the same and have the exact same footprint, dimensions, and measurements.
FWC heading east on Hwy 178 in Inyokern, crossing over Hwy 395, I was too far behind to get any additional details, and I wasn't continuing in the same direction.Just shamelessly uping my message count.
Last Monday, going north on I-5 between Roseburg and Cottage Grove. I was lumbering home after a week in the Trinity Alps Wilderness and a couple in a shiny Toyota and FWC sprinted by, waving an encouraging thumbs-up. Howdy. Better late than never?
Today about 2 pm, heading west on the Mt. Bachelor road (west of Bend, OR), near Bachelor: a small ATC (I think) on a compact pickup.
May have been a former co-worker of mine who has something like this combo...:unsure:

I was headed home from a nice loop hike in the Three Sisters Wilderness -- a retired guy weekday privilege...before the area becomes overrun with Labor Day tourists. :rolleyes:
Oh well...hoards of tourists are the lifeblood of the Bend/Central Oregon economy.
This guy was parked next to me as I left Kirkwood.
Saw more fwc's than I could count this weekend in my town, heading up or down hwy 395 and/or SR88.

Probably at least ten.

But I don't recall ever seeing craig333's guy around here.
Nice Tacoma with a new looking Finch and two kayaks on the roof, southbound on Highway 11 near Orillia Ontario - Sunday Sept 2 at around lunchtime.
Sighted a few minutes ago at Tillicum Beach Campground, south of Waldport, OR:


FWC Kestral on a Dodge 2500. OR plates are "EX PLOR" -- clever. :)
I went for a drive and swung through the c.g. to check it out for later.
Sighted a few minutes ago at Tillicum Beach Campground, south of Waldport, OR:


FWC Kestral on a Dodge 2500. OR plates are "EX PLOR" -- clever. :)
I went for a drive and swung through the c.g. to check it out for later.

Looks more like a Grandby than a Kestrel...weird.
DirtyDog sighting! :eek:
This morning at 11:20 a few miles north of Waldport, heading south on 101 while I was heading north.
Driving the ATC-custom DD-Mobile.
DirtyDog sighting! :eek:
This morning at 11:20 a few miles north of Waldport, heading south on 101 while I was heading north.
Driving the ATC-custom DD-Mobile.

For this one I had to pull out a map. We ought to hang a GPS position transmitter on him and develop an interactive map on WTW to track his movements.
For this one I had to pull out a map. We ought to hang a GPS position transmitter on him and develop an interactive map on WTW to track his movements.

Yep, track him just like they track the wolf, OR-7...who's also wandering around Oregon looking for a mate. :D

I confirmed the identity of this specimen by the characteristic custom bike rack found on its hind quarters.
OR7 seems firmly planted in CA atm. Ted wasn't far off. He's wandered very close to some spots I'm very familiar with.

As for DD, let the wild roam free. It won't be long before we're all tracked like it or not.
As for DD, let the wild roam free. It won't be long before we're all tracked like it or not.

We're not tracked now?

We're not tracked now?

If you use a cell phone or credit card then yes. Not to mention the auto insurance company that tracks your every move.

Oh yeah, and if you use the internet, then yes also. :cautious:
Remember, this is the "Sightings Thread", guys, to post and discuss sightings of pop-up campers.
But feel free to start a "Paranoia Thread", if you like, and I'll move the posts over to that one. ;)

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