Sonoma county to Boulder

Return to Boulder
Hey this kind of travel feels so spiritless.

I just realized this isn't wandering anymore. I've been in Boulder to long. Now it's just being in Boulder and not being on the road.
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You know, forty years ago I traveled for two years straight. There was a point when I was going down the road on an early frosty morning and I saw a light in somebody's kitchen in a little cottage out in the country and it looked so good.
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For a long time now we've been on the road about three months out of each year and for me that's a pretty good balance. There's always a point that I want to go home and actually do some work and tend the garden and sit in the kitchen or use my own bathroom and sleep in a real bed.
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One cool thing about this big western part of the country between here and home is that you can still get disconnected from the busyness of our culture. Sitting out by a campfire we can get back in touch with our inner selves. You know, for me that's sanity.

Happy Trails, Milt
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