Spring has arrived

Frank, some parts of SE Minnesota and western Wisconsin got over 15 inches of the white stuff. Missed us fortunately- just rain here. Definitely a slow start to spring around here. I did get in a day of fishing in a fast running muddy Rush River last weekend. Mostly casting practice, haha.

Don't feel bad about the "casting practice".I spent last week end,opening of trout season doing the same.Although I did catch a 6" and 8" brookie.The rest of the time was casting and losing flys.
But sure was nice wading the streams and being out on the water.
When do you expect spring?
Where do you live?
Don't feel bad about the "casting practice".I spent last week end,opening of trout season doing the same.Although I did catch a 6" and 8" brookie.The rest of the time was casting and losing flys.
But sure was nice wading the streams and being out on the water.
When do you expect spring?
Where do you live?

Any day fishing is a good day, right? i live in Minneapolis. Hopefully our weather is turning finally. Next week should be some nice days. Wisconsin opener is this coming weekend- streams will be high and dirty from all this snow and rain. The Minnesota opener was a couple of weeks ago. I won't be out this weekend but I hope to do a lot of fishing this summer.
It is 75° here and very much spring. With this drought and mild weather, at least the peach trees are happy.

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