Summer Time!

Tuesday afternoon and evening there were continuous big thunderstorms in central Nevada.

Cool! :) I wish I had been long as I wasn't driving down a squishy road or similar.
Looks like most of Idaho and eastern OR, western MT are covered with weather-drama right now!


Update: We're having a big ol' cloudburst in Bend right now, too!
The satellite view from this morning shows why, in the Pacific Northwest, "The West is best" only goes so far west (namely, the crest of the Cascades):


Those pooooor Westsiders.

Oh well...they've got those firs, ferns, and flowers to console them...and all that fine coffee.

Really -- some of my best friends are Westsiders!
Just wouldn't want to marry one though :LOL:

Not even if she owned a bar and cabin north of Fort Bragg on the nor cal coast-sure would be temping; reminds me have to fit in a trip, after this present one up to Oregon and Eastern Washington, over to the coast to see my favorite state parks (Mannchester and Westport) before the state shuts them down because of budget problems! Still can't believe it, been going over there since I was a kid in the 50's-the world sure is changing!
We had a little flashy/thundery excitement here in Central Oregon 30 minutes ago, but it's moved off Bend now.

Looks like all of Harney County (second from the Idaho border) is having some drama right now:

We had a little flashy/thundery excitement here in Central Oregon 30 minutes ago, but it's moved off Bend now.

Looks like all of Harney County (second from the Idaho border) is having some drama right now:

That was a heck of a storm. 110 fires out of it too.

Hey Mark, you headed anywhere for Labor Day Weekend?

Home Skillet
Hey Mark, you headed anywhere for Labor Day Weekend?
Home Skillet

HS - Right now I'm planning to stick around town. Now that I'm retired I'd rather stay home on holiday weekends (or any weekend, really) when more people are out there, since I have the luxury of heading out mid-week...unless I'm joining working friends who have no choice.

In September, after Labor Day, I think I'll spend a few days on the Oregon coast. Even though I'm mostly a desert/desert-mountain fan there's something special about the place where the continent meets the world's biggest ocean. And late-summer/early-fall is usually nice on the frequently-damp/gray coast.

Summer is starting to decay in Central Oregon...
...temperature-wise, anyway.

The high temperature at my house today was 64°, the lowest high since mid-June. Midday today I had to close my house windows -- not to keep the heat out, but to keep the heat in! The overnight low (this morning) was 39°.
The low forecast for tonight is 31°
...the first freezing night since mid-June.

Sure, it's forecast to get back up into the 80s by Saturday, and several wildfires are raging north of here...but the seasons they are a-changin'.
The low forecast for tonight is 31°
...the first freezing night since mid-June.

False alarm -- the overnight low was 33.6° disappointing.
We're still having highs of 90° in Bend, but late-morning the temperatures are suitable for local wildlife to show itself, such as this young panther:



It smells strongly of smoke outside -- wildfire smoke, not BBQ smoke.

Ah...the smells of late-summer in the arid West.
Looks like some exciting thunderstorm action right now, at least thunder-clouds, over the Sierras.
Interesting how tightly the clouds are to just the mountain regions...but not unusual, I guess.

Temps topped 91° at my house today -- I thought we were done with that kinda thing...

But I shouldn't complain about this summer -- the highest highs this year were significantly lower than recent years...and Sunday it's forecast to top out at just 67° -- with a chance of showers
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