Summer Time!

That's no "afternoon thunderstorms" coming in off the Pacific.


Actually, I'm OK with the change of season.
(and if I wasn't "OK", so what?
The high was 90° today, and it's forecast to be 25° cooler tomorrow, with chance of showers for a couple of days more.
A few rain drops yesterday and today on the western slope of the Sierra. We had moderate winds (read: death march upwind kayak paddle :oops: ) yesterday at Loon Lake. There's a feeling of fall in the air.

Came home and pulled in more tomatoes and veggies as the garden reacts to the flip of daylight/nighttime now that we are post-equinox. But, it's supposed to warm up again, so I'll be eatin' tomatoes & squash for at least several more weeks. :)
Looking back at the end of summer in Bend, Oregon -- Warmest average temperature for September in >110 years:


However, the highest highs this summer were lower than recent years.
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