We just purchased our eagle (used) and it doesn't have the original mattress so we went out and bought the 4" memory foam from walmart thinking it would be the bomb. however i ended up taking it back for these reasons, let me know how you deal thanks
The plan was to fold the mattress back onto its self and store the entire thing in the overhead, however the 4" is too big and the clasps don't close. so i exchanged it for the 2.5" in hopes of it fitting however i;m hesitant to open it and would really like to figure out how to make the 4" work for reasons of comfort but the 2.5 might be fine? space is a premium and in the eagle and to store the bedding and mattress in the overhead seems like a great application
Again this camper is new to us and it was our first night out, and i'm not sure how people store there 4" mattress's but it seems like a big pain to store one section behind the couch. Plus our dogs have taken to the couch being pulled out during travel, they like the picture window from which to view the passing world.
Another option might be to add a down feather bed if the 2.5 is not enough...we use this in conjunction with the older thinner foam pads and are able to fold ours in half, store it on top of the bed and still get the top closed. Just a thought.