The Hog Festival..


Old & Soft
Apr 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
The Hog Festival was a rousing success...Mr. Salty out did himself and put on a wonderful feed for a bunch of hungry pop-up camper folks. We were at a great camp ground with a direct view of the ocean, a golf course, and a small airfield. It was bright sunshine both Friday and Saturday, and early this morning when we had to leave, it was still sunny. We were also blessed with the gentle ocean breeze (sometimes gently reaching gusts to 50mph). Attendees were (in no particular order): Herr42, Dirty Dog, Camelracer, SimiMike, Dletarat, Fish More, CABnCruzer, Marc, our host the Fisherman, along with a number of Salty’s friends (we found it surprising he has that many.. maybe it was just the free food that brought them).

Because of the wind, there was some debate Friday afternoon as to where to cook the pig, and after much discussion that included air bags and cat litter potties, it was decided to cook it in the campground, and to hell with the wind. Out intrepid host and his sidekick Bobby got everything hauled down in a trailer and pickup truck. They then set about getting the pig ready for it’s trip to the be continued.

Photo 1: Our host Salty himself

Photo 2: Early Friday arrivals, Herr42, Camelracer, Deltarat

Photo3: The Pig

Photo 4: I’m not sure what this is all about?

Photo5: The crew stuffing the pig...


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Hey all,

Am sitting in a coffee shop in FT Bragg so I thought I'd check for a posting of the Hog Fest and what do you know ... All I can say is it was a great time shared by all. I'd like to thank Jon again for his warm hospitality and generosity and look forward to my next trip up north for a visit. When I get home in about a week or so I will give you a full write up and report.

George, all I have to say is you missed out on a hell of a good time. :D

Hog Festival Part 2

As they got the pig prepared for the box my vision was starting to get a bit fuzzy. It seems there was an alcohol front moving through and it got worse as the day wore on, I got a few photos of them gently placing the pig in the box, and those seems to be the last ones for Friday? Fast forward to 02:30 am Saturday, Salty and Bobby show back up and quietly lite the fire on the
pig box, no one heard them except for the entire camp ground. The pig box, an interesting concept, one I’d never seen, seal the pig in a box with a metal top and lite a fire on top. Guess it beats digging a big hole in your lawn. 07:30 AM, I stumble outside into the gentle breeze, and find the crew minding the fire. Salty complaining how tired he is (like no one else was awake at 0230, we were just smart enough to stay in where it was warm). We eventually let him go home for a nap (older guys need them), and promise to mind the fire. Amazingly enough everyone tosses a log on once in a while, and the fire stays lit. Most of the day is spent in more discussion of Fords vs Dodges, and since there were 3 Fords, 3 Dodges and a Toy truck, there’s was still no winner. As the day moved on, the wind continued to make its presence felt with 40+mph gusts.
We were at the approach end of the airport with planes coming in right over the campground. It was fun watching the landings in the wind.
Saturday afternoon, the remainder of the campers arrived... Continued

Photos 6 & 7: Laying the pig to rest

Photo 8: 07:30 Saturday Morning...Salty complaining.

Photo 9: It’s a pig festival, bacon for the crew..

Photo 10: More arrivals


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Hog Festival Part 3

As the pig cooked In the box, we sat around, consumed adult beverages, yelled at our dogs, solved the worlds problems, cursed the Democrats, and watched the 1/4 plate steel top of the box bow and warp from the heat of the fire. About 3:30ish it was announced the pig was done. The boys cleared the top of the box, removed the lid and sure enough it was cooked. The guys somehow got the pig out of the box in one piece and went to work carving... Continued

Photo 11: Watching the lid warp

Photo 12: Solving the worlds problems

Photo 13 & 14 A cooked pig

Photo 15 The surgeons going to work


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Hog Festival Part 4

As the pig was being carved some folks brought out a few side dishes...We had Pig, beans, corn on the cob, garlic bread, salads, strawberries, and who knows what else.....There could have been more, but that’s what I saw. We all “pigged out” until we couldn’t move... GREAT FOOD!!

One more point, if you’ll notice picture 16, the pair of feet exposed in sandals, those belong to Marc. Ask him about someone dropping a flaming log on the feet...he’ll be glad to share the story. After dinner we attempted to sit around the camp fire and tell stories, but with the chill factor of about 40 below from the gentle sea breeze, some of us (myself included) retired to our
campers where the heaters were on. ..Continued

Photo 16: One of the side dishes..

Photo 17 & 18 Pigging out at the Hog Festival


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Thanks Fisherman...

I showed up a bit late and had to leave early due to a work emergency. While I was there I had a great time and good food. It was a lot of fun. Well, except for having most of my exposed skin burnt and or blown off by wind. :eek:

Thanks again... anyone who likes camping, dogs, bbq and whiskey can't be all bad. :cool:

Hog Festival Part 5

This has been a brief description of the weekend events, I'm not the only one that was there with a camera, so some of the others might want to post a few of their pictures. I had to leave early this morning, so don't know what went on today..

I've had some fun with Salty, but I'd really like to thank him for a wonderful event. It was a huge expense and effort on his part.
Kudos Jon..I hope I can return the favor some day.


Photo 19: Our host, saying "Thank God it's Over"..


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Sounds like you guys had a lot more fun this weekend than I did (sprained my knee). I'm drooling over that pig, I need to get the smoker going with some pork shoulders me things...

Cheers for salt taking in your stragglers.
Damn sorry I couldn't make the trip, sounds like great hospitality and pig. Also would have liked to gone to the expo but spent the weekend kind of getting ready to hed to Alaska.
Nice report Bob, you must've been literally in HOG Heaven at the approach end of a runway littered with FWC's, bacon and booze! Look forward to the rest of them.
Thanks Jon

It was great going to the cove and being a part of the "Hog Festival". Alot of laughs and good people. Thanks to the Lewis Brothers for helping out and making the task of the pig a little easier for all. It was good seeing Trent there as well. The event was a hit and will take alot of work to top this event ! Looking forward to the trip to Eagle Lake, work schedule looks good for that weekend and beyond. Here's to you old mighty pig master !!
I like your eye for pictures and your prose, Bob.

I had to laugh out loud a few times. Great report. I look forward to the others.
Looks like a great time. Thanks for sharing and making us too-far-to-make-it-there folks jealous. We'll have to think of something great for the Sept CO trip.
Great report and pics Ratman. I forgot to bring the cable to download my pictures so you'll have to wait a week or so until I get home for a complete report. I'm sitting in Woodland right now waiting for my appointment with Chicali tomorrow to fix the cracks in the siding.

A special thanks to the fisherman for a great party. After seeing his toys I understand why the pigfest turned out so well. This man doesn't know how to do things halfassed.

Ok, hang on

hang on hang on!!!!!!!

So ATFBob, Your saying that gray haired guy in the baseball cap is "the Fisherman"??

"THe Fisherman" that I hung out with last week, and posted on his computer from his living room, is a dark haired, heavy set guy about 40!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:who the hell is the gray haired guy in the ballcap????

I got a wierd feeling here!:confused:
RE hang on..

Well, ya know..It might have been Fishermans DAD...

He must have borrowed the Newf's and his Toyota while the real fisherman was
out fishing....

He did seem way too nice for the fisherman that posts on here...

Crap...methinks we got hosed..

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